Movies Filmed at Downtown Parkade
Front Street, New Westminster, BC, CanadaNearby Locations
Front Street (between Fourth & Sixth)
from The Flash
and 1 other movie.
430 Columbia Street from Supergirl
Westminster Pier Park from You Me Her and 1 other movie.
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11 m
430 Columbia Street from Supergirl
48 m
Westminster Pier Park from You Me Her and 1 other movie.
55 m
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Parking Garage
The mysterious leader of Cadmus meets with the criminal gang and provides them with the new alien weapons they requested in episode 2x05 “Crossfire”.
Police Parking Garage
Alex heads to the parking garage to ask Maggie to lay off Guardian and ends up talking about her feelings in episode 2x07 “The Darkest Place”.
National City Savings & Loan
Kara once again tries to stop Gayle Marsh but finds herself again debilitated by fear in episode 3x02 “Triggers”.
You Me Her
Parking Garage
Nina talks about her childhood while walking with Shaun and later they kiss on the pedestrian bridge in episode 3x07 “Hold Onto Your Ovaries”.
Deadly Class
Parking Garage
Marcus runs from the cops and is cornered at the end of the garage where Saya saves him in episode 1x01 “Reagan Youth”.