
Arrow Filming Locations

Billionaire Oliver Queen returns after being missing for five years to become the Green Arrow and save his city.

Part of the DC Universe
Arrow was filmed in 15 cities across 2 countries.
Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, Surrey, New Westminster, Coquitlam, Delta, West Vancouver, Pitt Meadows, Richmond, Langley, Victoria, Britannia Beach, & Maple Ridge in Canada and Chicago in the United States of America.

Buller Studio

Alley behind Police Station

Oliver meets with Lance behind the police station to exchange information in episode 3x02 “Sara”. The vigilante leaves two criminals strung up in a V-shape in episode 5x07 “Vigilante”. Pike is talking to someone on the phone about the intel Oliver gave him about Adrian Chase when he is stabbed by a mysterious figure in episode 5x16 “Checkmate”.

Appears in 6 additional episodes.
Also appears in “Guilty”, “The Climb”, “Midnight City”, “Uprising”, “The Offer”, & “Legacy”.

Laurel tries to jump Michael Ancona in an alley but is beaten up in episode 3x03 “Corto Maltese”. Curtis hacks into the street cameras to track down their quarry in episode 5x11 “Second Chances”. Dinah meets with Vincent and he makes it clear that he wants to get back together in episode 6x09 “Irreconcilable Differences”.

Appears in 5 additional episodes.
All for Nothing

Oliver and Diggle track down Vincent only to find him meeting with the other team.

The Devil's Greatest Trick

Black Siren wakes up in Lance's car after he spirited her away from the theater.

Collision Course

Dinah's team searches for clues in the alley and discovers tire tracks and later Oliver team comes by and discovers Dinah's footprint.

The Thanatos Guild

Dinah is investigating a murder when the Captain takes her off the case in a suspicious manner.

Elseworlds, Part 2

Curtis warns Diggle about the lightning dangers while overseeing an A.R.G.U.S. operation.

Rory's Shop

Felicity finds Rory at a metal working shop and tries to convince him to return to the team in episode 5x04 “Penance”. The recruits hang out Rory's shop and discuss the revelations about Oliver in episode 5x06 “So It Begins”. Felicity visits Rory in his shop only to find him packing up to leave in episode 5x12 “Bratva”.

Sara Shot

Sara is shot and killed shortly after talking with Laurel in episode 3x01 “The Calm”. Merlyn shows Oliver footage of the murder revealing the shooter in episode 3x09 “The Climb”.

Stalking the Streets

Team Arrow hunts down members of Church's crew trying to find the location where Rene is being held in episode 5x05 “Human Target”. Diggle questions some thug about the killer in episode 5x13 “Spectre of the Gun”.

Alley behind Oliver's Apartment

Slade waits outside for Oliver to show up for their trip in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”.

Meeting Contact

Susan Williams meets with her investigator who has more information on Oliver's activities in Russian when he was supposed to be trapped on the island in episode 5x12 “Bratva”.

Star City Metro Police (parking)

Dinah is packing up her car when Agent Watson approaches and suggest Dinah is the Black Canary in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”.

Beating up Ghosts

Oliver beats up a bunch of Ghosts while trying to find the location of Felicity, Thea, and Diggle in episode 4x09 “Dark Waters”.

Alan Chang's Body

Laurel distracts the police while Diggle examine's Chang's body in episode 4x11 “A.W.O.L.”.

Drug Dealer Lair

The group of corrupt cops attacks some drug dealers and ends up killing another police officer in episode 4x04 “Beyond Redemption”.

SCPD Evidence Facility

Lance and Chase are escorting the evidence from the Kord Industries break-in to lockup when Church assaults the facility in episode 5x04 “Penance”.

Alley behind Big Belly Burger

A woman is attacked in an alley and rescued by Sara who then attacks the woman in episode 4x05 “Haunted”.

Maseo on Rooftop

Oliver doesn't kill Maseo on a rooftop in episode 3x20 “The Fallen”.

Russian Market

Oliver locates Galina Venediktov, Taiana's mother, and asks her for information on Konstantin Kovar in episode 5x17 “Kapiushon”.

Outside Nightclub

Laurel stops Sara from attacking another woman at a club when Oliver and Thea arrive in episode 4x05 “Haunted”.

Pacific Freeport

The team infiltrates the secure facility where the other two kidnapped agents were tracked to in episode 4x11 “A.W.O.L.”.

Hub City Warehouse

Oliver, Rene, & Curtis track down the prospective new Black Canary to a rooftop but she rebuffs their invitation in episode 5x11 “Second Chances”.


Appears in “Damaged”.

Fire Escape

Roy spies on Nyssa searching Sara's old apartment in episode 3x04 “The Magician”.


Thea and Diggle head to a nightclub to buy drugs from one of Thea's old dealers in episode 4x04 “Beyond Redemption”.

Chase Jump

Wild Dog jumps from one rooftop to another while chasing a criminal in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Alley behind Bar

Black Siren lures a man outside and kills him with her sonic scream in episode 6x04 “Reversal”.

AmerTek (alley)

Thea witnesses the AmerTek executive Janet Carroll arranging an arms sale to Church in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Club XLR8

Church is attacked by the mysterious archer who warns him off of attacking the Green Arrow in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Lambertini's Italian Cuisine

The three escaped criminals attack a mob hangout and find someone who has information on the money stash in episode 5x14 “The Sin-Eater”.

Outside Wildcats Gym

Laurel leaves the gym and is watched by Carrie Cutter in episode 3x06 “Guilty”.

Zanzibar (exterior)

Diggle waits outside the nightclub while Oliver and Ted Grant search inside in episode 3x06 “Guilty”.

Alley behind Drug Lab

Rene and Evelyn head to where Rene believes the drugs are being made for some 'reconnaissance' in episode 5x03 “A Matter of Trust”.

Mina Fayad in Alley

Diggle gets caught watching Mina Fayad and ends up in a gunfight in episode 4x03 “Restoration”.

Coast City Rooftop

Oliver flails around trying to stop criminals in Coast City during a flashback in episode 4x01 “Green Arrow”.

Star City Hall

Thea tries and fails to prevent the assassination of one of the government leaders in episode 4x01 “Green Arrow”.

Trap Alley

Rory ties up one of Eric Dunn's former cohorts after Evelyn lures him into an alley to get information in episode 5x07 “Vigilante”.


Evelyn meets with Prometheus on a rooftop in episode 5x07 “Vigilante”.

Alley beyind Haselby Grand

Diggle follows Onyx behind the hotel and stops her attack in episode 6x03 “Next of Kin”.

Red Light District

Diggle buys a questionable serum in a sketchy alley to treat his tremors in episode 6x03 “Next of Kin”.


Felicity meets Kojo Sledgehammer to agree to join her hacking collective in episode 5x15 “Fighting Fire with Fire”.

Convenience Mart

Diggle gets a text about his brother after picking up some diapers in episode 4x20 “Genesis”.

A.R.G.U.S. Headquarters (rooftop)

Felicity, Curtis, & Caitlin set up a device to stabilize the breach forming over the city under Diggle's supervision and receive a message from the Earth-90 Flash in episode 7x09 “Elseworlds, Part 2”.

Gun Deal

Curtis and Dinah watch Derek Sampson pick up a whole bunch of guns in episode 5x21 “Honor Thy Fathers”.

Vancouver Film Studios

Starling Metro Police

Roy is unloaded from the police van and taken past reporters and into the police station in episode 3x19 “Broken Arrow”. Diggle and Laurel sit in front of the police station guarding Jessica Danforth in episode 4x02 “The Candidate”. Oliver surveys the damage of the police station with Lance and Rene in episode 6x01 “Fallout”.


Thea joins Oliver in the search for Billy and discusses Oliver's past actions in episode 5x09 “What We Leave Behind”. Oliver meets Anatoly on the roof to apologize after the team interrupts the Bratva's first operation in the city in episode 5x18 “Disbanded”.

Oliver Speaks to Helena

After breaking her out of the police station Oliver gives Helena a ticket out of town in episode 1x17 “The Huntress Returns”.


Lance is drinking at a bar when Felicity's mother strikes up a conversation with him in episode 4x06 “Lost Souls”.

Palmer Tech (service entrance)

Team Arrow arrives at the Palmer Tech loading dock but find their way in blocked by bees in episode 4x17 “Beacon of Hope”.

Channel 52

Dinah prepares the defense of Councilwoman Pollard during her interview but has to call the rest of the team off when Agent Watson shows up in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”.

Balalaika Banquet Hall (rooftop)

Team Arrow gathers on the rooftop of the building Felicity identified as the Bratva hideout in episode 6x02 “Tribute”.

News Broadcast

A news broadcast on the particular accelerator activation plays in the warehouse in episode 5x11 “Second Chances”.

Kord Industries Shipping Facility

Laurel, Thea, and Oliver stake out the railgun shipment in episode 4x11 “A.W.O.L.”.

A.R.G.U.S. Door

Shadowspire soldiers use Alan Chang's eye to break into the A.R.G.U.S. headquarters in episode 4x11 “A.W.O.L.”.

Laurel's Apartment Stairs

Sara chases Thea down the stairs at Laurel's building, but Thea manages to hide from her in episode 4x05 “Haunted”.


Dinah searches one of the locations for Vincent but comes up empty in episode 6x11 “We Fall”.


Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle share drinks in episode 4x03 “Restoration”.

Pandora Homes Construction Site

Church is once again confronted by Prometheus about his attacks on the Green Arrow in episode 5x05 “Human Target”.

Starling General Hospital

A police officer takes Laurel away from the hospital but she realizes the officer works for Diaz in episode 6x15 “Doppelgänger”.

Catching Ricardo Diaz

Rene and Curtis capture Ricardo Diaz while he is trying to flee the city in episode 6x13 “The Devil's Greatest Trick”.

Lloyd's Gun Mart (exterior)

Curtis and Rene chew Diggle out for losing control in the van after interrogating the gun shop owner in episode 5x07 “Vigilante”.

AmerTek (offices)

Laurel and Diggle attempt to stop the thief but he escapes through the vents in episode 4x12 “Unchained”.

Bomb #4

Cisco defuses one of the bombs in a parking lot in episode 3x08 “The Brave and the Bold”.

Merlyn Global

Tommy follows his injured father while Quentin questions him on the attack in episode 1x16 “Dead to Rights”.

Canada Post Main Office

Doctored Footage

Felicity shows Oliver the doctored footage of the death of Cayden James's son in episode 6x12 “All for Nothing”. The team recovers the original footage revealing the true murderer in episode 6x13 “The Devil's Greatest Trick”.

Rooftop Helipad

Tina and the crew work together to take out the drug dealer who killed her partner in episode 5x11 “Second Chances”.

Star City Metro Police

Oliver is hosting a food drive for Thanksgiving when Agent Watson arrives with some agents to arrest him in episode 6x07 “Thanksgiving”.

Starling Stadium (machine room)

Oliver heads to the machine room only to discover that the bomb is a fake planted by Cayden James to draw him out in episode 6x07 “Thanksgiving”.

Del Mar Inn (interior)

Lance searches through the abandoned building which begins to explode around him in episode 4x14 “Code of Silence”.

Demolition Team Hideout

Team Arrow tracks down the group that almost killed Lance and attack their base only to have it explode too in episode 4x14 “Code of Silence”.

Acid Factory

Oliver and Diggle head to the facility only to find the Demolition Team has gotten there first in episode 4x14 “Code of Silence”.

Claybourne Pharmaceuticals

The team follows the clue left in Curtis to one of Oliver's old targets back during his days as the Hood and Evelyn reveals her true loyalties in episode 5x09 “What We Leave Behind”.

A.K. Desmond Group

Oliver heads to the offices of the company he assaulted four years ago and finds the building staged like the aftermath of his attack by Prometheus in episode 5x09 “What We Leave Behind”.

Cayden James's New Lair

Cayden James lets his allies that they will airlifted out of the city before his countdown comes at midnight in episode 6x13 “The Devil's Greatest Trick”.


Anatoly is attempting to escape the city in a helicopter when Oliver shows up to stop him in episode 6x13 “The Devil's Greatest Trick”.

Stash Site

Dinah tracks Black Siren while she is recovering the supplies needed to flee town in episode 6x13 “The Devil's Greatest Trick”.

MacGuire Shipping

The evil soldiers from Earth-X assemble in an abandoned shipping facility where the team tracks them down in episode 6x08 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2”.

Dayton Optical Systems (interior)

The team watches footage of the troops from Earth-X raiding a lab in episode 6x08 “Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2”.

AmerTek (rooftop)

Thea and Oliver chase the thief across the rooftop but he escapes when Thea passes out in episode 4x12 “Unchained”.

Rehab Facility

Felicity tries to walk using the new implant with Paul's help in episode 4x15 “Taken”.


Oliver and Diggle stand on a rooftop while Vixen flies overhead searching for William in episode 4x15 “Taken”.

Darhk's Hotel Terrace

Oliver flies down to the hotel where Darhk is holding William in episode 4x15 “Taken”.

Detroit Warehouse

Vixen is fighting several criminals when Oliver arrives to recruit her in episode 4x15 “Taken”.

Terminal City Iron Works

Queen Industrial Inc. & Verdant Nightclub

Oliver uses an abandoned factory belonging to his company as a hideout in pilot episode. Oliver and Maseo come here to stop China White in a flashback in episode 3x14 “The Return”.

Appears in 4 additional episodes.
Also appears in “Lone Gunmen”, “Salvation”, “The Calm”, & “Midnight City”.
Deathbolt Warehouse

Ray Palmer goes to investigate Jake Simmons at a warehouse in episode 3x19 “Broken Arrow”.

Card Game in Warehouse

Helena attacks a group of mobsters playing cards in a warehouse in episode 1x08 “Vendetta”.

Chase through Warehouse

Oliver chases the truck driver through a warehouse and catches him in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Kidnapper's Warehouse

Oliver and Tommy are kidnapped and interrogated by masked thugs in an abandoned warehouse in pilot episode.

Abandoned Subway

Oliver enters an abandoned subway station and gets on the train The Savior is performing his broadcasts from in episode 1x18 “Salvation”.


Oliver, Roy, and Diggle go to warehouse only to find the criminals they were searching for were already taken out by another vigilante in episode 3x06 “Guilty”.

Triad Meeting

Helena attacks a Triad meeting in a dark alley in episode 1x08 “Vendetta”.


In a flashback, Oliver saves Carrie Cutter's life, and later he confronts her in episode 3x07 “Draw Back Your Bow”.

Hong Kong Street

Oliver attempts to escape and is chased down by Maseo Yamashiro in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Count Vertigo's Warehouse

Oliver goes to Count Vertigo's warehouse and attempt to take him down in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.


Oliver and Lance chase a criminal through some tunnels in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

1010 George Street

Russian Hospital

Oliver finds Anatoly resting in a hospital bed after being beaten up in episode 5x12 “Bratva”. Oliver tries to get Anatoly out of the hospital when his life is threatened in episode 5x14 “The Sin-Eater”. Anatoly calls for a trial to avoid being killed by Viktor in episode 5x15 “Fighting Fire with Fire”.

Bratva Hideout

Oliver talks to Anatoly Knyazev about why he is in Russia in episode 5x01 “Legacy”. Oliver talks to Anatoly after the first stage of his initiation in episode 5x03 “A Matter of Trust”.

Shipping Center

Oliver heads to a reported break-in only to find the call was a fake so Billy Malone could pass him information in episode 5x03 “A Matter of Trust”.

Russian Shakedown

Dinah and Oliver head to threaten a business owner as a favor fro the Bratva in episode 5x12 “Bratva”.


Talia has Oliver take out a few low-level drug dealers as part of his training in episode 5x12 “Bratva”.

Russian Orthodox Church (basement)

Diggle and Oliver search the basement of the church for General Walker but find that the General already knew they were coming in episode 5x12 “Bratva”.

Dragon's Lair

Diggle visits his drug dealer's lab to get more supply in episode 6x06 “Promises Kept”.

Chasing Criminal

Wild Dog chases a criminal from a rooftop but accidentally falls off in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Jackals Hideout

Slade tries to convince his son and the other Jackals that he wants to be one of them in episode 6x06 “Promises Kept”.

Drug Den

A group of corrupt cops kill a pair of drug dealers and are attacked in turn by Church in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

Latvian Building

Diggle leads an assault to recover a nuclear detonator but is betrayed by his own commander in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Loading Dock

Curtis and Rene find a surviving Triad member and ask him what the three criminals are searching for in episode 5x14 “The Sin-Eater”.

Chasing Dealer

Oliver chases a low-level dealer across a rooftop to gain information on his supplier while the team watches from the base in episode 5x03 “A Matter of Trust”.

Vancouver Art Gallery

Starling City Superior Court

Oliver gives testimony about what occurred on the island and then has a run-in with Laurel at the courthouse in episode 1x02 “Honor Thy Father”. Tommy intercepts Laurel as she is leaving work in episode 1x03 “Lone Gunmen”. Oliver has a hearing here when he is accused of being the Vigilante in episode 1x05 “Damaged”.

Appears in 4 additional episodes.
Left Behind

Laurel prosecutes a case here.

Broken Hearts

Darhk is put on trial.


Felicity attends Oliver's arraignment with Dinah and Rene.

Also appears in “Vertigo”.
Mayor's Office

A meeting between the mayor and other important city officials is attacked by Brick and his goons in episode 3x11 “Midnight City”. The mayor is shot by Maseo posing as the arrow in episode 3x17 “Suicidal Tendencies”.

Appears in 1 additional episode.
Also appears in “Public Enemy”.
Starling City Royal Museum

The Dodger forces a guard to steal a priceless gem for him in episode 1x15 “Dodger”.

Starling Metro Police Department

Oliver is perp-walked up the steps into the police department while being swarmed by press in episode 1x05 “Damaged”.

Starling City Park

Diggle and Carly talk about their relationship while strolling through a park in episode 1x15 “Dodger”.

Fence's Gallery

The Dodger attempts to sell his stolen gem to Cass Derenick but the fence tries to rip him off in episode 1x15 “Dodger”.

Source: YVRShoots

Malcolm Merlyn's Office

Appears in “Damaged”.

1133 Melville Street

Sara's Shot

Oliver tries to figure out what happened to Sara on the rooftop where she was shot in episode 3x02 “Sara”. Nyssa and Oliver battle on the same rooftop in episode 3x21 “Al Sah-Him”.

Rooftop by Army Lab

Maseo sets up his sniper rifle while Oliver slides down his zip line to the army chemical lab in episode 3x10 “Left Behind”.

Assassins Land on Roof

Oliver and the other assassins arrive in Starling City and land on a rooftop in episode 3x21 “Al Sah-Him”.

Building near City Hall

The Vigilante is on a rooftop across the street from City Hall scouting the building when Prometheus attacks. Later the Vigilante is setting up to kill Oliver during his press conference when the rest of the team shows up to shop the assassination in episode 5x15 “Fighting Fire with Fire”.

Hong Kong Construction Site

Amanda Waller briefs Maseo and Oliver on their mission to recover the Alpha in episode 3x10 “Left Behind”.

Construction Site

Appears in “Sara”.

Hong Kong Rooftop

Maseo tries to get Oliver to snipe Tommy from a rooftop in Hong Kong in episode 3x02 “Sara”.

Rooftop by Hospital

The mysterious archer kills Tom Weston in the hospital in episode 3x02 “Sara”.

New Westminster City Hall

City Hall

Thea stalls for Oliver during the police union benefit which Oliver is late for in episode 5x01 “Legacy”. Christopher Chance, posing as Oliver, fakes his death on the steps of City Hall in episode 5x05 “Human Target”. Curtis is attacked by Prometheus while arguing with his husband outside the Christmas party in episode 5x09 “What We Leave Behind”.

Appears in 6 additional episodes.
Spectre of the Gun

Oliver holds a memorial for those killed in the attack on City Hall.

Fighting Fire with Fire

Oliver deals with the city council after the coverup of Detective Malone's murder becomes public.

Honor Thy Fathers

Oliver is talking with Lance about all of the criminals released on bail when a cop shows up to warn them about a suspicious package delivered to the office.


Oliver arrives at work to a gaggle of reporters asking about the him allegedly being the Green Arrow.

Next of Kin

Oliver and Lance go to the council meeting in a last ditch effort to stop the anti-vigilante bill.

We Fall

Oliver hosts a press conference to announce to the public the threat from Cayden James.

Starling Metro Police

Crease Clinic (Riverview Hospital)

Iron Heights Prison

Oliver saves Laurel and Peter Declan from a prison riot in episode 1x04 “An Innocent Man”.

Glades Police Precinct

Laurel and Roy attack the police station from which Brick is controlling the Glades in episode 3x12 “Uprising”.

Psychiatric Hospital

Quentin visits The Count in a mental institution when Vertigo reemerges in episode 1x19 “Unfinished Business”.

Abandoned Hotel

The team follows Felicity's intel to an abandoned hospital where Prometheus is holding Susan Williams in episode 5x16 “Checkmate”.

Arkham Asylum

The team sneaks into the asylum to locate Dr. Deegan and recover the book but when confronted he releases all of the patients from their cells in episode 7x09 “Elseworlds, Part 2”.

Chase House

Oliver and Diggle head into Adrian Chase's house in search of Susan Williams in episode 5x16 “Checkmate”.

Muller Psychiatric Center (interior)

Thea and Laurel search the inside of the abandoned hospital for Diggle's brother and Thea ends up coming face-to-face with Darhk in episode 4x07 “Brotherhood”.

Whytecliff Park

Lian Yu Beach

Oliver is rescued by a pair of fishermen from a remote island in pilot episode. Years ago Oliver lands on the beach after being shipwrecked in episode 1x02 “Honor Thy Father”. Oliver returns to the island again to Thea to train her in episode 3x13 “Canaries”.

Appears in 4 additional episodes.
The Return

Thea spars on the beach with Oliver.

Dark Waters

Oliver goes diving for maps in the old wreck.

Honor Thy Fathers

Oliver returns to the island with Anatoly and they set things up for his miraculous rescue.

Lian Yu

Oliver's unlikely allies are unloading supplies from the plane when it is blown up by a missile.

Rogers Sugar Mill

Woman in Alley

A woman under attack in an alley is saved my Laurel as Black Canary who is in turn saved by Roy as Arsenal in episode 3x11 “Midnight City”.

Warehouse on the Docks

Oliver chases a Vertigo dealer in order to identify his supplier in episode 1x12 “Vertigo”.

Drug Ambush

The team sets up an ambush for the corrupt cops in episode 4x04 “Beyond Redemption”.

Police Hideout

The team heads into the building from the GPS and locate the hideout of the corrupt police officers in episode 4x04 “Beyond Redemption”.

Near Power Plant

Oliver rides his parachute down after falling from Church's helicopter in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

Hong Kong Port

Oliver and Tatsu go to the port to save Maseo and Akio in episode 3x07 “Draw Back Your Bow”.

Alley Ambush

Laurel and Roy attempt to ambush Brick but end up getting one of the aldermen killed in episode 3x11 “Midnight City”.

Pacific Coliseum (PNE)

Russian Fight Club

Oliver defeats the Bratva champion during a fight before being kidnapped in episode 5x01 “Legacy”. Oliver and a few other initiates are tested in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Gun Exchange

Oliver tracks Ragman to the gun exchange between Church and Janet Carroll in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Starling Stadium

Felicity and Curtis track Black Siren's target to the stadium and Oliver is unsuccessful at getting the concert shut down in episode 6x07 “Thanksgiving”.

Star City Data Center

Team Arrow and A.R.G.U.S. must defend the data center from Hive attack while Felicity and her father shut down the missiles in episode 4x21 “Monument Point”.

Palmer Technologies (loading dock)

Felicity and her father escape Palmer Tech with Lance's help in episode 4x21 “Monument Point”.

Air Filtration (interior)

Thea tries to convince Lonnie Machin not to blow up the air filtration system in the dome in episode 4x21 “Monument Point”.

E-One Moli Energy

Laura Washington's Lab

The team tracks down Laura Washington who stole the device they need to use the alien tech and Rene confronts her with Barry & Kara in episode 5x08 “Invasion!”.

Sunderland Corp

Black Siren breaks into a lab under the guidance of Cayden James and steals some Nano-Termite in episode 6x07 “Thanksgiving”.


The team tracks Black Siren to a second robbery but Diggle has a medical incident during their attempt to stop her in episode 6x07 “Thanksgiving”.

Batoon Medical Research

Diggle and the team attempt to foil a robbery of some medicine only to find the thieves are Bratva led by Anatoly and sent by Oliver in episode 5x18 “Disbanded”.

Zarn Corporation

Oliver leads the team in stopping Anatoly's second medicine heist in episode 5x18 “Disbanded”.

Kord Industries

Felicity and Curtis break into a tech company to steal the tool they need to decrypt Chase's image scrambler in episode 5x18 “Disbanded”.

Russian Medical Supply Company

Oliver, Anatoly, and the Bratva break into a medical company to steal some medicine for the sick children in episode 5x18 “Disbanded”.

Allied Shipbuilders

Hong Kong Dock

Oliver and the Yamashiro family are heading to their boat to Japan when they are attacked by ARGUS agents in episode 3x15 “Nanda Parbat”. Oliver says goodbye to Tatsu before catching a boat in episode 3x23 “My Name Is Oliver Queen”.

Old Ferry

Oliver fights Alex Faust who is trying to launch a missile at the city in episode 6x01 “Fallout”.

Black Siren's Warehouse

Dinah and Diggle search a warehouse for clues on Black Siren's plan in episode 6x01 “Fallout”.


Oliver, Anatoly, and the other Bratva search the docks for signs of Kovar's activity and find a shipment of nerve gas in episode 5x17 “Kapiushon”.

Laurel Ambushes Merlyn

Laurel attacks Malcolm Merlyn in revenge for Sara and they are both attacked by Guild of Assassin members in episode 3x15 “Nanda Parbat”.

Old Dockyard

Oliver and the team head to an old dockyard to rescue the kidnapped CEO from Anatoly in episode 6x02 “Tribute”.

Franklin Street (between Salsbury & Victoria)

Diggle Driving

Diggle drives his van to help Oliver stop the truck in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Driving down Street

Oliver and Diggle drive down the street in pursuit of a criminal in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Meeting in Street

Moira arranges a meeting with Frank Chen so that Malcolm Merlyn can kill him in episode 1x18 “Salvation”.

Riding Cycle

Oliver rides his motorcycle to A.R.G.U.S in episode 3x08 “The Brave and the Bold”.

Heading Out

Barry passes Oliver on their way to the underground club in episode 3x08 “The Brave and the Bold”.

The Huntress Departs

Helena rides her motorcycle out of town in episode 1x08 “Vendetta”.

Second Armored Car Robbery

Oliver disrupts a second robbery in episode 1x11 “Trust But Verify”.

Oceanic Plaza

Laurel Rants

Laurel rants about her father spying on her to Tommy who gets mad about her talking to The Vigilante in episode 1x13 “Betrayal”.

Source: YVRShoots

Faquet-Lemaitre Consulting

Diggle follows Moira to a covert meeting with Malcolm and overhears part of it in episode 1x13 “Betrayal”.


Oliver meets Merlyn in a downtown square in episode 3x04 “The Magician”.

Motorcycle Chase

Oliver chases The Dodger though the streets in episode 1x15 “Dodger”.

Nelson Plaza

Diggle finds one of the virus carriers at a downtown plaza who is then taken out by Thea in episode 3x23 “My Name Is Oliver Queen”.

Central City Plaza

Kendra and Carter part ways with the group and Oliver and his crew get ready to head back to Star City in episode 4x08 “Legends of Yesterday”.

Canadian Motion Picture Park Backlot

Glades Diner

Roy and Laurel interrupt a shakedown in a diner by Brick's goons in episode 3x12 “Uprising”.

Glades Precinct

The team arranges a popular uprising against Brick and his thugs in the streets in front of the Glades police station in episode 3x12 “Uprising”.

Glades Alleyway

A younger Merlyn kills the man who he thinks killed his wife in an alley, and then an older Merlyn fights Brick in the same alley in episode 3x12 “Uprising”.

Outside Tech Village

Diggle is walking down the street when the power goes out and Oliver comes by and saves someone from being hit by a car in episode 3x05 “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak”.

Galaxy Air

Oliver and Roy interrogate the pilot who flew Thea and Merlyn back to the city when Sara was killed in episode 3x09 “The Climb”.

Star City Streets

Oliver and Lance look at the carnage left over from the League civil war and later the battle from a nearby warehouse spills into the streets in episode 4x13 “Sins of the Father”.

104th Avenue Centre

AmerTek (lobby)

Thea leaves AmerTek after being turned away at the front desk in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Free Clinic

The new recruits work to protect the free clinic which is assaulted by Ragman in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Muay Thai Training Center Rooftop

The Green Arrow meets with Ragman on the roof and recruits him to the team in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.


Oliver fights Lonnie Machin in front of some windows before they both fall to the lower floor in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

Power Plant (rooftop)

Oliver prepares the assault the power plant where the hostages are being held in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

Public Market

Team Arrow heads to a busy market where rumors of the Throwing Star Killer sparks a panic in episode 5x06 “So It Begins”.

Alley (south of Richards, west of Pender)

Hunter & Norton Tailors

Oliver and his father are attacked after their final fitting and are saved by a mysterious hooded figure in episode 5x08 “Invasion!”.

Alley behind Police Station

Oliver says goodbye to Mari behind the police station in episode 4x15 “Taken”.

Vixen Takes Off

Vixen runs down an alley and flies into the air in episode 4x15 “Taken”.

Detroit Alley

A group of criminals run down an alley while firing into the air behind them in episode 4x15 “Taken”.

Motorcycle Chase

Oliver chases a shooter on a motorcycle but loses her in an alley in episode 1x07 “Muse of Fire”.

Hub City Alley

Oliver chases Tina Boland down the alley behind her apartment but is thwarted when she leaves the range of the power dampener in episode 5x11 “Second Chances”.

401 West Georgia

Queen Consolidated

Oliver goes to meet Moira in front of their company headquarters when she is shot at by a mysterious individual in episode 1x07 “Muse of Fire”. Museo and Oliver see Thea outside the building in episode 3x14 “The Return”.

Robert Queen Memorial Applied Sciences Center (front)

Oliver, Diggle, and Curtis gather outside another Queen facility where Sampson and Chase plan on release the bioweapon in episode 5x21 “Honor Thy Fathers”.

Starling City Courthouse

Count Vertigo is being transported from the courthouse when his guard is injected with vertigo and begins shooting at press in episode 3x13 “Canaries”.

Oliver Enterprises

Oliver and Diggle investigate an old Queen Consolidated subsidiary linked to the body in episode 5x21 “Honor Thy Fathers”.

Laurel on Phone

Laurel talks with the others on the phone from Starling City in episode 3x03 “Corto Maltese”.

Pacific Backlot Services

Ruvé Adams's Campaign Office

The Arrow waits for Ruvé Adams outside her office to propose a meeting with Darhk in episode 4x12 “Unchained”.

Merlyn's Secret Meeting

Merlyn meets with Darhk's 'Ace in the Hole' in episode 4x17 “Beacon of Hope”.

Outside League Warehouse

Oliver waits for Lance who is searching the old League of Assassin's warehouse and tries to talk him out of his search in episode 4x19 “Canary Cry”.

Dead Body

Oliver talks to Lance about a body killed with an arrow in episode 3x07 “Draw Back Your Bow”.

Outside Queen Industrial

Appears in “The Magician”.

Ferris Air

The group gets ready to once again catch a plane to Nanda Parbat in episode 3x22 “This Is Your Sword”.

2nd Avenue (between Ingleton & MacDonald)

Edge of Town

Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle say goodbye to Roy in episode 3x19 “Broken Arrow”. Oliver's new team attempts to stop him from heading out after Diggle in episode 5x04 “Penance”. Thea and Roy are attacked by the Thanatos Guild on their way out of town but are saved by Nyssa in episode 6x16 “The Thanatos Guild”.

Above Dome

The camera pulls out of the ground after leaving the dome beneath the city in episode 4x20 “Genesis”. Diggle and Oliver find a hatch leading down into the dome in episode 4x22 “Lost in the Flood”.

Chasing Gang Member

Diggle chases a gang member down the street in episode 3x22 “This Is Your Sword”.

West Waterfront Road (between Howe & Main)

Riding to Warehouse

Oliver rides to a warehouse to try and stop Maseo in episode 3x17 “Suicidal Tendencies”.


Mia's car drives across town on her way to her graduation party in episode 8x09 “Green Arrow & the Canaries”.

Chasing Van

The police chase after a van of criminals in episode 3x10 “Left Behind”.

Welcome to Starling City Sign

Oliver and Maseo are driving into Starling City in Amanda Waller's limo in episode 3x13 “Canaries”.

Road to Heliport

Police race down the road to the heliport in an attempt to intercept the assassin who is coming into town in episode 1x16 “Dead to Rights”.

Armored Car by Tracks

An armored car is attacked by a man with a grenade launcher in episode 1x11 “Trust But Verify”.

5255 Heather Street

Star City Metro Police

Dinah is delivering some documents to Councilwoman Pollard when she saves her from a sniper in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”.

City Hall (offices)

A gunman shoots up City Hall in episode 5x13 “Spectre of the Gun”.

Support Group

Curtis and Rene visit a support group to learn about James Edlund in episode 5x13 “Spectre of the Gun”.

A.R.G.U.S. Headquarters

Team Arrow sets up outside A.R.G.U.S. to stop Helix when they show up in episode 5x19 “Dangerous Liaisons”.

Starling General Hospital

Oliver heads to the hospital to stop James Edlund from killing people in episode 5x13 “Spectre of the Gun”.

Catalyst Paper Corporation

Felicity Drop Off

Felicity lands with Oliver by an industrial building after rescuing him from the dam in episode 3x23 “My Name Is Oliver Queen”.

Drug Smuggler's Warehouse

Oliver attempts to stop Maseo from killing criminals disguised as him in episode 3x17 “Suicidal Tendencies”.

Meltzer Power Plant

Oliver goes to where he thinks Maseo will strike only to find Ray Palmer waiting for him instead in episode 3x17 “Suicidal Tendencies”.

Second Fire

Oliver attempts and fails to stop the murder of the second firefighter in episode 1x10 “Burned”.

First Fire

Danny De La Vega is killed by the mysterious fire starter in episode 1x10 “Burned”.

Agrodome (PNE)

Russian Fight Club (tunnel)

Oliver is knocked out by the Bratva after defeating their champion in episode 5x01 “Legacy”. Oliver talks with Anatoly Knyazev after passing the first test before he passes out in episode 5x02 “The Recruits”.

Russian Ice Rink

Anatoly and Oliver attack the ice rink where Gregor is meeting with his lieutenants in episode 5x16 “Checkmate”.

City Hall (parking garage)

Oliver confronts Adrian Chase as the Arrow beneath City Hall and Chase says he has Susan Williams locked away in episode 5x16 “Checkmate”.

Boxing Arena

Oliver and Roy work to stop a bomb planted by Count Vertigo at a boxing match in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

West Hastings Street (between Thurlow & Burrard)

Tommy calls Laurel

Tommy talks to Laurel on the phone while walking down the street in episode 1x13 “Betrayal”.

50th Party

Diggle drops Moira off at a building and then follows her inside in episode 1x13 “Betrayal”.

Roy Turns Himself In

Roy stops the police convoy carrying Oliver and turns himself in as the Arrow in episode 3x18 “Public Enemy”.

Street near City Hall

Oliver gives a passionate speech of hope to a group of rioters and later fights with Darhk in episode 4x23 “Schism”.

Street near Nelson Plaza

Diggle chases the virus carrier through the street in episode 3x23 “My Name Is Oliver Queen”.

1010 Derwent Way

Admiral Transport Interchange

The team heads to the factory where the bombs were last pinged and find Damien Darhk and his soldiers in episode 4x01 “Green Arrow”.

Gang Meeting

Church meets with the various gang leaders from town and takes over as the leader in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

Power Plant

Oliver and the other politicians are held in a disused power plant by Church in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

Water Plant

The team stops a group of Ghosts who are trying to bomb the city's water supply in episode 4x02 “The Candidate”.

Abandoned Building

Oliver and Thea question a group of squatters about Lonnie Machin and Thea breaks one of their arms in episode 4x02 “The Candidate”.

1090 West Pender


Felicity and Curtis use a line-of-sight attack to hack the missiles in episode 4x23 “Schism”. Curtis throws one of his T-Spheres at the missile flying overhead in episode 6x01 “Fallout”.

Meeting on Parking Garage

Oliver meets with Merlyn on the roof of a parking lot and proposes his plan to save Thea in episode 4x13 “Sins of the Father”.

Battle on Rooftop

Oliver battles Malcolm on Nyssa's behalf for control of the League of Assassins in episode 4x13 “Sins of the Father”.


Diggle and Dinah see Alex Faust running across an adjacent parking garage and pull a manuever to shoot Diggle over at him in episode 6x03 “Next of Kin”.

Cornett Road & Skeena Street

Oliver on Phone

Oliver talks on the phone while walking in the rain in episode 1x16 “Dead to Rights”.

Shootout at Truck

Thea, Laurel, and Diggle take cover as the goons with a machine gun shoot at them while emptying the truck in episode 4x01 “Green Arrow”.

Oliver & Maseo Talk

Oliver tells Maseo that he won't be accepting Ra's al Ghul's offer in episode 3x16 “The Offer”.

Moira & Merlyn Talk

Appears in “Year's End”.

Meeting Darhk

Lance meets with Damien Darhk so Diggle can follow him when he leaves in episode 4x06 “Lost Souls”.

East Lawn Building (Riverview Hospital)

Kord Industries Warehouse

Olive leads the new team in an exercise to capture one of Church's people who is stealing something from Kord Industries in episode 5x04 “Penance”.

Iron Heights Prison (exterior)

Lance creates a distraction with the police so the team can sneak inside the prison in episode 4x18 “Eleven-Fifty-Nine”.

Abandoned Building

Diggle follows a tip on his brother and finds him in an abandoned building in episode 4x20 “Genesis”.

Empty Kitchen

Diggle wakes up tied to the ceiling and is tortured by his brother in episode 4x20 “Genesis”.

Boundary Bay Regional Airport

Russian Airport

Oliver heads with his team to Russia where he arranges to meet Anatoly at the airport only to receive a less than warm welcome. The team returns to the airport to thwart General Walker's weapon sale and recover the nuclear bomb in episode 5x12 “Bratva”.

S.T.A.R. Labs Aviation Division

J'onn has a vision of Kara and Oliver arguing during the Invasion! while lost in the Speed Force in episode 8x08 “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four”.

A.R.G.U.S. Helipad

Oliver and Merlyn attack the A.R.G.U.S. agents to release Chase in episode 5x22 “Missing”.

Ray's Hanger

Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Merlyn get on Ray's plane to head to Nanda Parbat in episode 3x20 “The Fallen”.

The Fortress Film Center

Palmer Tech Bio Divison

The team interrupts another robbery by the Dragon's gang and Diggle sees who their leader is for the first time in episode 6x06 “Promises Kept”.

Jackals Hideout (basement)

Oliver sneaks into the Jackals lair to disable the detonator and figure out their plans in episode 6x06 “Promises Kept”.

A.S.I.S. Training Facility

Slade spends time training with Joseph after being rescued from Lian Yu in episode 6x06 “Promises Kept”.

Schatten & Soehne Bank

Appears in “Crossing Lines”.

Burnaby Central Park


In a flashback, Laurel gives the eulogy at Tommy's funeral and later Oliver gives the eulogy at Laurel's funeral and reveals her identity as the Black Canary in episode 4x19 “Canary Cry”. Oliver stands over Laurel's grave with Felicity in episode 4x23 “Schism”.

Grave in Woods

Church forces Rene to dig his own grave in the woods in episode 5x05 “Human Target”.

Lian Yu Evacuation

Oliver finishes burying Taiana while the last of the prisoners are airlifted out by Amanda Waller and A.R.G.U.S in episode 4x23 “Schism”.

657 37th Avenue West

Jackals Hideout

Slade cuts a path through the Jackals base of operations before he finds Nylander with a bunch of goons in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”. Slade offers to join the Jackals after finding his son in charge in episode 6x06 “Promises Kept”.

Kasnian Industrial Area

Oliver and Slade arrive in Kasnia and meet with Nylander, one of Slade's old contacts, to get some information about his son in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”.

Kasnian Prison

Oliver heads to the prison in an attempt to negotiate for the release of Slade's son in episode 6x05 “Deathstroke Returns”.

Bryne Creek Ravine Park

Lian Yu Forest

Taiana starts to lose control as she gains more power from the totem in episode 4x22 “Lost in the Flood”. Reiter catches up with Oliver and Taiana in the forest in episode 4x23 “Schism”.

Appears in 2 additional episodes.

The bags are taken off of the captured team members showing them that chase brought them to Lian Yu.

Lian Yu

Oliver finds several members of Team Arrow locked in cages in the woods and they are ambushed by Talia and Black Siren.

The Permanent

Star City National Bank

The team arrives at a bank robbery to find one of the thieves dying on the ground in episode 5x07 “Vigilante”.

Wedding Reception

Felicity and Oliver invite all of their friends and family to a postponed wedding reception in episode 6x09 “Irreconcilable Differences”.

Starling Trust Bank

They escape through a hole in the alley behind the building. A group of bank robbers attack a bank and kill a police officer in episode 1x06 “Legacies”.

Source: YVRShoots

Star City Allied Bank

Eric Dunn shoots a bank guard while fleeing a robbery in episode 5x07 “Vigilante”.

BC Place Stadium

Starling City Courthouse

Oliver and Laurel watch Lance's press conference about the new low level of crime in Starling City in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Outside Queen Consolidated

Oliver and Felicity talk after leaving the board meeting at Queen Consolidated in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Rockets Arena

Team Arrow head to the music festival at the arena in episode 5x06 “So It Begins”.

750 Pacific Boulevard

Rooftop by Boxing Gym

Oliver and Sara fight Count Vertigo on a rooftop across the the boxing arena in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.

Robert Queen Memorial Applied Sciences Center (roof)

Team Arrow battles Derek Sampson and his goons to stop the release of a deadly virus in episode 5x21 “Honor Thy Fathers”.


Thea zip-lines over to the hotel where Roy is being held and sneaks inside while the police officers are distracted by fireworks in episode 6x15 “Doppelgänger”.

Crab Park

Star City Bay

Olive is leading a cleanup of the bay when it is attacked and later he proposes to Felicity during a press conference in episode 4x09 “Dark Waters”. Oliver, Lance, and the new police captain head down to the waterfront to meet an incoming A.R.G.U.S. team coming in underwater in episode 6x12 “All for Nothing”.

Green Arrow Memorial

Mia and William are talking about the new Green Arrow while standing at their father's memorial when they are attacked and knocked out in episode 8x09 “Green Arrow & the Canaries”.

Burrard Dry Dock Pier

Black Canary Memorial

Oliver is giving a speech at the unveiling of the memorial for Laurel Lance when it is attacked by Church's goons in episode 5x01 “Legacy”. Black Siren arranges to meet Oliver near the memorial and is quickly captured in episode 5x10 “Who Are You?”.

Starling City Port

Roy follows the police scanner to the port looking for the Vigilante only to find Quentin Lance waiting instead in episode 1x20 “Home Invasion”.

3725 159a Street

Vacation House

Thea wakes up in a strange house after leaving town on vacation with Alex in episode 4x20 “Genesis”. Thea argues with Merlyn and later fights Lonnie Machin in the back yard in episode 4x21 “Monument Point”. Oliver and Diggle come to rescue Thea but find her under the control of the Hive drugs in episode 4x22 “Lost in the Flood”.

Heli-One (YDT)

Empty Field

Black Siren meets with her contact to hand over the fingerprints and get the next name on her list in episode 6x04 “Reversal”.


Cayden James gives Black Siren a device to stop her from being tracked before flying off on his jet in episode 6x04 “Reversal”.

International Domain Name Directory

Cayden James and Black Siren break into the internet vault and work to destroy it in episode 6x04 “Reversal”.

Vancouver Sun & Province Printing Facility

Hive Base (labs)

The team must fight past Hive agents to rescue Ray from a secret lab in episode 4x06 “Lost Souls”.

Kord Industries

The team infiltrates Kord Industries to steal the part needed to make their enlargement gun for Ray in episode 4x06 “Lost Souls”.

Secret Hive Lab

Oliver is brought to the lab where his friends are being held and where Darhk experimenting with his poison gas in episode 4x09 “Dark Waters”.

Bekaert Plant

Port of Star City

Oliver is taking a group of reporters on a tour with some executives when the group is attacked by Anatoly and the Bratva in episode 6x02 “Tribute”. Oliver stops Jerry Bertanelli as he is heading out of town and demands his help bring down Cayden James and later they use Bertanelli to set a trap in episode 6x10 “Divided”.

Adams Heights Warehouse

Oliver tracks down Cayden James and his compatriots only to learn that he has new allies in episode 6x10 “Divided”.

East Parking Garage (Bentall Centre)

Parking Garage

Oliver meets with Laurel but they are interrupted when the anti-vigilante task force storms the parking garage. Later in the same episode Oliver meets there with Quentin when Laurel is in trouble in episode 1x13 “Betrayal”. Diggle chases Alex Faust through the garage and manages to capture him with the team in episode 6x03 “Next of Kin”.

Parking Garage

Oliver, Laurel, and Roy go to where the assassin's are hiding but it turns out to be a trap and they are set upon by the police in episode 3x18 “Public Enemy”.

Casa Mia

Corto Maltese Mansion

Thea practices her fighting at Merlyn's mansion in Corto Maltese in episode 3x02 “Sara”.

Appears in 1 additional episode.
Also appears in “Corto Maltese”.

Plaza of Nations

Rooftop across from Hotel

Olive and Diggle scout the hotel where Roy is being held and then they return with Thea who slides across to rescue him in episode 6x15 “Doppelgänger”.

Derelict Casino

Black Siren is escorted to meet Ricardo Diaz in an old casino and later Oliver, Thea, and Diggle arrive to rescue Roy based on Black Siren's tip in episode 6x15 “Doppelgänger”.

La Terrazza

Table Salt

Oliver & Helena join Laurel & Tommy for an accidental double date that ends badly in episode 1x08 “Vendetta”. Oliver is out on a date with Felicity when it is interrupted by a call from the team in episode 6x04 “Reversal”.

Princess Park

Lian Yu Forest

Felicity, Thea, and their group head across the island looking for the plan Adrian Chase flew in on while Oliver, Nyssa, and Slade Wilson head the other way looking for the rest of the missing people. In a flashback, Oliver shoots down Konstantin Kovar's helicopter and fights him to the death in episode 5x23 “Lian Yu”. The team at the airplane run to escape the explosions in episode 6x01 “Fallout”.

Rosewood Hotel Georgia

Hotel Ballroom

Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity attend the Starling City Cancer Society's annual auction to draw out the Dodger and Felicity ends up getting one of his collars around her neck in episode 1x15 “Dodger”. Felicity and Oliver put on a fake wedding to draw out Carrie Cutter in episode 4x16 “Broken Hearts”.

Del Mar Inn

Del Mar Inn (exterior)

Laurel finds her father drinking at a bar in a flashback in episode 3x14 “The Return”. Lance asks Laurel to wait outside while he investigates a request for backup in episode 4x14 “Code of Silence”.

Downtown Parkade

Meeting on Parking Garage

Oliver meets with Laurel and Ted Grant to talk about the murders in episode 3x06 “Guilty”.

Meeting The Count

Oliver arranges a meeting with The Count through the Bratva which is raided by the police in episode 1x12 “Vertigo”.


Colao Wedding Dress Services

Carrie Cutter kills two newlyweds, and later the team arrives at her hideout and searches for her next target in episode 4x16 “Broken Hearts”.

Laundry Warehouse

Laurel and Roy flee through a laundry facility to escape the police in episode 3x18 “Public Enemy”.

Prenter Street

Outside the Truck

Diggle gets out of the A.R.G.U.S. bunker truck and it drives away in episode 4x20 “Genesis”.

Under the Tracks

Curtis is searching for signs of Wild Dog when he is attacked by two dudes in episode 5x01 “Legacy”.

900 Howe Street

Hive Base (offices)

Diggle enters the offices above the Hive base and disables the alarms so Felicity and Curtis can enter through the window in episode 4x06 “Lost Souls”.

Rooftop near Hive Base

Oliver is knocked out by Diggle posing as a Hive operative, and then Felicity and Curtis base jump off the roof in episode 4x06 “Lost Souls”.

Italian Cultural Centre

Oak Street Community Center

Oliver encourages citizens to assemble in a safe zone at the community center which they later learn is the target of Cayden James in episode 6x11 “We Fall”.

Victoria Block

Rooftop Chase

Oliver and Roy chase a criminal over a rooftop and down a fire escape where the criminal is stopped by Laurel in episode 3x13 “Canaries”.

Affordable Auto Parts

Chop Shop

Back during the particle accelerator explosion in Central City Tina Boland and her partner are being interrogated by the man they were investigating when the accident grants her superpowers in episode 5x11 “Second Chances”.

37 Avenue & 159a Street

Out for a Walk

Thea and Alex take a walk through the neighborhood they are visiting on vacation and Thea begins to notice strangeness, later, Thea searches the maze of streets for a way out in episode 4x20 “Genesis”.