
Movies Filmed at Twede's Cafe

137 West North Bend Way, North Bend, WA 98045, USA
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Twin Peaks

Double R Diner

Becky comes into the diner to drop off a delivery and chats with Shelly before heading off with Steven in episode 1x05 “Part 5”. Miriam finishes her cherry pie and chats with Shelly and Heidi in episode 1x06 “Part 6”. Someone comes into the diner looking for Vinnie in episode 1x07 “Part 7”.

Appears in 3 additional episodes.
Part 11

Shelly gets a call from Becky who is angry about Steven. Later, Shelly, Becky, and Bobby have talk before a gunshot goes through the window.

Part 13

Shelly gets a call from Becky and invites her to the diner for pie.

Part 15

Big Ed goes over to the diner to win over Norma while she decides to sell her stake in the franchises.