Movies Filmed at Yonge Street (between Gerrard & Elm)
Yonge Street & Gerrard Street West, Toronto, ON M5B, CanadaYonge Street is a arterial road running 56 kilometers from Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe. This stretch of Yonge Street through downtown Toronto feature tall buildings with bright lights making it a popular stand-in for New York City.
Nearby Locations
Elm Street & Yonge Street
from Kick-Ass 2
Yonge Street (between Elm & Edward) from The Incredible Hulk and 1 other movie.
Former World's Biggest Bookstore from Short Circuit 2
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52 m
Yonge Street (between Elm & Edward) from The Incredible Hulk and 1 other movie.
109 m
Former World's Biggest Bookstore from Short Circuit 2
157 m
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Driving with Hit Girl
Hit Girl drives Kick-Ass back to her apartment after rescuing him.
Cat Search
Kick-Ass asks people on the street if they have seen the missing cat.
Driving to Hospital
Jaye drives to the hospital with Sharon in the backseat with Thomas who is having an allergic reaction in episode 1x01 “Wax Lion”.
Source: The Wonderfalls Tour