
Movies Filmed at 25010 Thousand Peaks Road

25010 Thousand Peaks Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302, USA

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24944 Lorena Drive from Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica
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Paseo Primario Neighborhood from Weeds
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Stein House

Chase has breakfast with his parents after working out in his room in the morning in episode 1x01 “Reunion”. PRIDE gathers in an attempt to save Victor and later Gert and Karolina sneak in to check on Chase in episode 1x08 “Tsunami”. Janet gives a press conference to cover her husband's disappearance in episode 1x09 “Doomsday”.

Appears in 4 additional episodes.
Earth Angel

PRIDE tests their new weapons on a pair of hapless interns and the next morning Chase adapts to life back home and learns about his father's mysterious illness.

Split Up

Chase comes clean to his mother about Victor's illness and she realizes what it means.

Smoke and Mirrors

Janet searches for the door out of the Algorithm but finds it locked and in the real world Nico and Alex scout the house.

The Great Escape

Xavin and Gert watch the house from across the street but lose patience and decide to break inside themselves.