“Doomsday” Filming Locations
Runaways episode “Doomsday” was filmed in Los Angeles in the United States of America.
25010 Thousand Peaks Road as Stein House
Janet gives a press conference to cover her husband's disappearance.
Mayfield Senior School as Atlas Academy
Molly sneaks back to school to meet the rest of the group and they watch the VHS tape that her parents left her.
Source: OnSet-Hollywood
Sherman Way & Lindley Avenue as Driving
Robert talks to Tina about how happy he is that everything is finally over.
Los Angeles Produce Market as PRIDE Construction Site
Members of the Church of Gibborim as PRIDE prepares the start drilling into the ground.
Ebell Club of Los Angeles as The Ebell of Los Angeles
The gang meets up at the big "Non Holiday Specific Seasonal Dance" their school is hosing to avoid suspicion and two different couples have first moments together.
Momo Korean Restaurant as Momo Korean Restaurant
Darius Davis meets his girlfriend at a restaurant next to the dig site.