The Electra Building as Earth-3 Bank
The Flash from Earth-3 is fighting the Trickster when Barry arrives to ask for advice on Savitar.
Source: What's Filming — Twitter
Barry learns of Savitar’s origins from the Earth-3 Flash and the team learns Alchemy’s true identity.
The Flash episode “The Present” was filmed in Vancouver & Burnaby in Canada.
The Flash from Earth-3 is fighting the Trickster when Barry arrives to ask for advice on Savitar.
Source: What's Filming — Twitter
H.R. times Wally as he runs around the lake and finds Wally is faster than Barry was at this stage of his training.
Source: What's Filming — Twitter
Cisco tracks Dr. Alchemy to a building that he is using to give power to Savitar and Barry ends up revealing Alchemy's true identity.
Source: YVRShoots
Savitar drops the Earth-3 Flash in an alley and prepares to kill him before getting pulled away by the stone.
Source: Mohd Abdulla — Twitter
Barry lands in an alley after throwing the stone into the Speed Force only to realize he is in the future.
Source: fakedestielfan — Twitter
Barry walks across the street into a park and sees himself confronting Savitar who is holding Iris hostage.
Source: fakedestielfan — Twitter