
Movies Filmed at Steveston Harbour

12740 Trites Rd, Richmond, BC V7E 3R8, Canada
Nearby Locations
Britannia Heritage Shipyards from Stargate SG-1 and 3 other movies.
206 m

Steveston Paramount Docks from Legends of Tomorrow
627 m

No. 2 Road Fishing Pier & Float from Siren
816 m

Browse more nearby locations.


Bristol Cove Harbor

Ryn is trying to buy some seafood on the docks when she notices the strange disturbance again in episode 2x01 “The Arrival”. Xander discovers Katrina injured in the harbor and later Maddie & Ryn go to pick out some food for the pack in episode 2x04 “Oil & Water”. Katrina runs off after returning to shore with Xander and later Ben asks for his help taking some images of the sonic cannon in episode 2x05 “Primal Instincts”.

Appears in 2 additional episodes.
Distress Call

Ben sneaks onto Xander's boat to rescue him from Katrina and Nicole sees Cami being mermaidy.


Xander and Calvin talk while loading the new line onto the North Star.