Movies Filmed at Carter Cotton Building
198 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1H2, CanadaOriginally constructed at the Carter Cotton Building in 1908 to house Carter Cotton's newspaper, the Daily News Advertiser. The building was sold only two years later and joined with the adjacent Edgett Building via skybridge to hold the offices of The Province newspaper. The building change hands several times over the years before eventually landing up as one of Vancouver Film School's downtown campuses. A more detailed history can be found on Changing Vancouver.
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Rosencratz Building
Outside of the apartment building where the deaths occurred that the Fringe team investigates throughout episode #314 "6B".
Seattle Police Station
Liv talks to Clive outside the police station in pilot episode. Liv sees one of the gang members following her when she goes to plant a tracker on Clive's car in episode 1x04 “Liv and Let Clive”.
Appears in 2 additional episodes.
Fifty Shades of Grey Matter
Clive and Dale sit stuck in traffic while Major runs past behind them.
Twenty-Sided, Die
Clive runs outside the station looking for Dale Bozzio and has a brief conversation with her about how they left things.
Telegraph Hill Building
Building that Emerson investigates while searching for Ernest Cobb in episode 1x02 “Ernest Cobb”.