The Flash
The team heads out to a nightclub for some relaxation only to have it be attacked by a new speedster in episode 2x16 “Trajectory”.
Source: YVRShoots — Twitter
The team heads out to a nightclub for some relaxation only to have it be attacked by a new speedster in episode 2x16 “Trajectory”.
Source: YVRShoots — Twitter
Oliver and Maseo go to recover Tatsu from a club run by China White in episode 3x11 “Midnight City”.
Kovar hosts an event for many important members of the Russian government who he plans on killing in episode 5x17 “Kapiushon”.
Clive and Liv head to the nightclub where the victim DJed and find the woman who slapped her at the supermarket in episode 3x06 “Some Like It Hot Mess”.
Dr. Jarrod refuses to talk to William and then heads off to the bathroom with a tattooed woman who attacks him in episode 5x03 “Blurred Lines”. Yvette drags Nia out for a night on the town but is attacked by the man posing as her boyfriend in episode 5x15 “Reality Bytes”.
Jordan eats some magical drugs to get in good with the group but Maggie realizes the whole nightclub is being prepared to be drained to power a resurrection spell in episode 2x11 “Dance Like No One Is Witching”.