Liverpool Street Station
Liverpool Street Station
Appears in “Beautiful Monster”.
Scottish Train Station
Villanelle and Konstantin try and start their escape but Konstantin has a heart problem in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
A story of obsession between a female assassin and the woman hunting her down. Based on the novellas by Luke Jennings.
Appears in “Beautiful Monster”.
Villanelle and Konstantin try and start their escape but Konstantin has a heart problem in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
Carolyn leads Eve the task force's offices and later Eve meets Bill and Elena outside in episode 1x02 “I'll Deal with Him Later”. Bill and Eve talk to one another on the phone about another potential killing while they both walk to the office in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Eve and Elena wait across the field as Frank runs towards them chased by Villanelle in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”. While escaping with Frank, Eve stops the car and walks back to try and talk to Villanelle in episode 1x05 “I Have a Thing About Bathrooms”.
The churchyard is used for Carolyns meeting with Eve in episode 2x01 “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?”. Eve buzzes in the side to be taken to the project offices in episode 2x02 “Nice and Neat”.
The Ghost is transported to a shipping container in the middle of the forest where Eve brings Villanelle for the interrogation in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Yusef and Eve catch the train for Paris for a weekend of spying on Helene in episode 4x02 “Don't Get Eaten”.
Villanelle catches up with Eve on the bridge and they discuss things in episode 3x08 “Are You Leading or Am I?”.
Eve tries to adjust her bulletproof vest and then ponders pushing some guy who bumped her onto the tracks in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Frank delivers a terrible eulogy during Bill's funeral and Eve can't stand it so she leaves early in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Konstantin finds Villanelle having a staring contest with a human statue in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Villanelle gets off the train meets her new partner Diego and and old "friend" Nadia in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Villanelle has trouble finding a mark to help her out due to her injuries but eventually settles on posing as a victim of abuse to Julian in episode 2x02 “Nice and Neat”.
Villanelle goes walking through the park with Sebastian eating ice cream and Villanelle sees someone who reminds her of Eve in episode 1x02 “I'll Deal with Him Later”.
Eve and Elena try to get information from Frank while waiting for the safe house to be prepared in episode 1x05 “I Have a Thing About Bathrooms”.
Carolyn's assistant Mo claims to finally have found the link between Paul and the Twelve in front of Serpentine Bridge in Hyde Park, then is murdered there quickly after in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
Carolyn tells Eve that she is no longer fired in episode 2x01 “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?”.
Eve tracks down Bill after he leaves the office and he pushes her to identify the motive for the assassinations in episode 1x02 “I'll Deal with Him Later”.
A woman asks to take Villanelle's picture while she is watching her target with his family in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Villanelle shows Konstantin that she hasn't lost her edge after meeting Eve, while enjoying some Hagelslag.
Hugo takes Eve out for a meal of delicious fried chicken in the middle of the night in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Konstantin briefs Villanelle on her cover for infiltrating the prison in episode 1x06 “Take Me to the Hole!”.
Frank hides in the bushes near his car as the three assassins riddle it with bullets in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Villanelle as Billie goes to Aaron Peel's house for dinner and ends up attacking him with a book. Appears in “I Hope You Like Missionary!”.
Konstantin takes Villanelle to the museum but she finds most of the paintings boring except one she is drawn towards in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Eve tells Elena and Kenny about the suitcase and instructs them to test it extensively in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Eve visits the hospital with Dom to have another talk with Kasia Molkovska but Villanelle is in the hospital at the same time to kill Kasia in episode 1x01 “Nice Face”.
Eve meets with Carolyn and reveals what she learned about Frank in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Villanelle and Nadia talk to Frank's mother posing as work colleagues and try to ascertain his whereabouts in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Eve & Bill track the Chinese officer Jin Yeong and ambush him to ask about the assassinated official in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Eve crosses the street with the suitcase in a trash bag in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Villanelle drops a smoothie onto a target's car from a balcony above to force him to visit he car wash in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Villanelle tells Konstantin how boring their new job is and he tells her to just make it fun in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Villanelle watches Niko through the fence and then infiltrates the school during the faculty party that Eve is attending with him in episode 2x03 “The Hungry Caterpillar”.
Villanelle leads Markus back to a room where she strings him up in view of the street and guts him like the painting in front of his wife in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Konstantin pays Villanelle for the hit and then pulls her away from another human statue in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Eve and Carolyn pull up to the hotel in Russia in episode 1x06 “Take Me to the Hole!”.
Source: IMDb
Villanelle enters a sketchy hotel set up by her employers in episode 2x03 “The Hungry Caterpillar”.
Villanelle falls asleep while washing some clothes and finds her drugs stolen in episode 2x02 “Nice and Neat”.
Carolyn keeps telling people they don't deserve an omelette after their morning briefing in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
Source: IMDb
Carolyn crosses the bridge after her meeting with her boss Helen Jacobson in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Eve buys a bunch of candy, disposes of the knife, has a drink, and catches a train in episode 2x01 “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?”.
Zhang Wu talks to his colleagues while heading in to Hot Medica in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Villanelle pays a visit to Niko on his school trip to talk about Eve in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Frank turns off the main road onto a dirt road and Villanelle misses the turn forcing them to back up in episode 1x04 “Sorry Baby”.
Villanelle tries to convince Konstantin that she is okay to do another mission and she ends up stealing the postcard in episode 1x02 “I'll Deal with Him Later”.
Interiors of Villanelle's wedding were filmed more locally in the UK at Tyringham Hall in episode 3x01 “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey”.
Villanelle has a snack and examines her target's villa through her binoculars in episode 1x01 “Nice Face”.
Villanelle goes undercover as a caterer with a dream of making perfume for an assassin job in episode 1x02 “I'll Deal with Him Later”.
Villanelle sneaks inside the villa to find and assassinate Cesare Greco in episode 1x01 “Nice Face”.
Villanelle murders a dude who is going through the car wash in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Carolyn interrupts Vlads swim to tell him about that Hugo is ripe for a honeypot in episode 4x02 “Don't Get Eaten”.
Bill poorly trails Villanelle down the street and leaves a message for Eve to let her know what he is doing in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
A man is working after hours when a nondescript cleaner visits and he dies soon after in episode 2x02 “Nice and Neat”.
Eve talks to Elena about the case while picking out a dress for the evening and Villanelle lends her a hand from out of sight in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Villanelle fails to hail several cabs so she throws herself in front of one in episode 2x01 “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?”.
Villanelle cross the street on her way home in episode 1x01 “Nice Face”.
Villanelle exits the metro and crosses the street in episode 1x01 “Nice Face”.
Bucharest fills in for Moscow in this dramatic scene where Villanelle and Irina meet up with Konstantin and Eve in episode 1x08 “God, I'm Tired”.
Villanelle walks down the street on her way to her perfume assassination in episode 1x02 “I'll Deal with Him Later”.
Villanelle stumbles down the street and pours some alchohol on her injury in episode 2x01 “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?”.
Bill drops Eve off at the subway and then notices Villanelle watching her and stops Villanelle before she can get on the train in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Eve & Bill discuss the outcome of their meeting and their plan for the night before Bill catches a glimpse of Villanelle as she brushes past him in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Villanelle walks down the street and turns the corner in episode 1x01 “Nice Face”.
Villanelle walks across a bridge over some train tracks after escaping the hospital in episode 2x01 “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?”.
Eve & Bill's taxi drives around a roundabout in Berlin in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Bill & Eve's taxi drives through the streets of Berlin in episode 1x03 “Don't I Know You?”.
Konstantin and his daughter walk down the stairs at the base of the Nation's Heroes Memorial in episode 3x04 “Still Got It”.
Villanelle gets married in episode 3x01 “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey”.
Konstantin provides Villanelle with a car and a gun and tries to persuade her to leave without Eve, then has a second meeting in the same location with Carolyn Martens to get his reward for helping in episode 2x08 “You're Mine”.
Villanelle dramatically gets ready to mourn the loss of Eve after she kills her in the Royal Garden Suite of Four Seasons Hotel Trinity Square in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
A young Dasha misses a landing in a gymnast routine, then commits an icon murder in episode 3x01 “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey”.
Martin meets Carolyn between the shelves of books to tell her that he's assessed Eve, and she's too into Villanelle to continue working. Carolyn avoids hearing information she doesn't like by wandering through the narrow book racks and talking about them collapsing in episode 2x05 “Smell Ya Later”.
Source: Condé Nast Traveler
Villanelle tries to name drop the economist to get her targets attention, then murders him in the elevator in episode 2x03 “The Hungry Caterpillar”.
In Season 4 Carolyn defects to Russia so she can continue her hunt for the 12. Her rough Russian housing, complete with a dead rat for a rat, is really filmed a stones throw from Hyde Park in London in episode 4x03 “Rainbow in Beige Boots”.
interiors for the almost empty hotel Villanelle stays in when Raymond is her handler, season 2.
After recovering from her gun shot wound, Eve works in the kitchen at the Korean restaurant in New Maden in episode 3x01 “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey”.
Covid restrictions limited filming for Season 4. Villanelle is CGI'd onto these building in Cadiz where she lures the abusive firefighter husband in to kill him, and as seen on twitter a local body double is hired to be seen walking out of the building in episode 4x05 “Don't Get Attached”.
Villanelle buys drugs from a man leaning on a church after Eve fails to come see her last murder in episode 2x04 “Desperate Times”.
Konstantin visits the accountant for the 12 across the street from Royal Albert Hall in episode 3x03 “Meetings Have Biscuits”.
While Villanelle is wearing a tartan and speaking with a Scottish accent claiming to be outside Aberdeen, the interior of the hotel was filmed next to St. Pancras at the base of the Grand Staircase in the old hotel in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
"This neighborhood is nice" Villanelle and Dasha enjoy a meal outside in Barcelona in episode 3x02 “Management Sucks”.
Rumored to be where TS Eliot wrote The Waste Land, a sad Villanelle is given a pain reliever and a note in episode 4x06 “Oh Goodie, I'm the Winner”.
This library makes a great looking airport lounge where a defeated Eve, Carolyn and Kenny wait for their flight to London in episode 1x08 “God, I'm Tired”.
Pam gets the courage to push someone off the pier, that someone being Konstantin in episode 4x04 “It's Agony and I'm Ravenous”.
Season 4 starts with Eve motorcycling through Lupeni Romania (as Russia) to confront Konstantin at his office. Exteriors of the town and building were filmed on location in episode 4x01 “Just Dunk Me”.
Villanelle gets Eve a talking bear in this overwhelming toy store in episode 3x03 “Meetings Have Biscuits”.
Villanelle has a meeting with Helene surrounded by weapons and filled with inappropriate touching and a little chair in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
Eve sneaks Villanelle a new microphone in some bread at a modern restaurant in episode 2x07 “Wide Awake”.
Season 4 opens with Villanelle finding Jesus, the first episode is filmed at Saint Matthias Church and the vicarage on the property in episode 4x01 “Just Dunk Me”.
Villanelle and Eve show up to the bar hoping to find the 12, but instead find Carolyn and Pam in episode 4x08 “Hello, Losers”.
Eve trails Pam badly, then gets caught in episode 4x01 “Just Dunk Me”.
Villanelle and Eve stop at a truck stop and order curly fries on the way to London in episode 4x08 “Hello, Losers”.
Villanelle takes her mentee, dressed as a clown, for his first job in episode 3x02 “Management Sucks”.
Vlad hosts a BBQ in Russia where Carolyn attends in episode 4x03 “Rainbow in Beige Boots”.
Eve can't figure out if she should pull or push on the doors of The Clapton Heart, where she looks a wreck at Kenny's memorial in episode 3x02 “Management Sucks”.
Source: Condé Nast Traveller
Villanelle leaves a building while reading Konstantin's note, and gets shot in the back with an arrow while Eve is locked in a car watching in episode 4x05 “Don't Get Attached”.
Eve and Fernanda go to a pub to talk about their horrible ex-girlfriends. Eve tries to find out what Helene was using Fernanda for in episode 4x03 “Rainbow in Beige Boots”.
Villanelle and Dasha prepare for a kill on a Scottish golf course in episode 3x07 “Beautiful Monster”.
Eve visits Niko as he's recovering from the Villanelle inflicted trauma in episode 3x01 “Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey”.
Helene meets with Dasha after a swim in this brightly colored sports facility in episode 3x04 “Still Got It”.
Carolyn "runs into" an old friend and gets some important intel in episode 3x03 “Meetings Have Biscuits”.
Interior filming of Carolyn at her new job, as the Cultural Attache in Mallorca in episode 4x01 “Just Dunk Me”.
Villanelle goes to the Mayfair neighbourhood of London in search of a scent that makes her smell of power in episode 3x03 “Meetings Have Biscuits”.
Villanelle and Dasha take care of a baby, until Dasha puts it in the trash in episode 3x03 “Meetings Have Biscuits”.
A wounded Villanelle stands in front of Olby's Soul Cafe to call Eve with Helene's location in episode 4x06 “Oh Goodie, I'm the Winner”.
Paul and Carolyn have a meal in the dining room of the members only Savile Club in episode 3x04 “Still Got It”.
While exterior scenes were filmed in location in Roma, Italy, interiors of Aaron Peel's Palazzo were filmed locally in England, at Syon House.
Villanelle takes Konstantin's daughter to a race track in an attempt to find out where they're planning on running off to.
Helene shows Eve the theatre her daddy bought her. Episode 4x04 "It's Agony and I'm Ravenous".
Villanelle tries to get rid of her hiccups before an assassinating the accountants wife in episode 3x04 "Still Got It".
London stands in for Moscow, as the hotel Eve and Carolyn stay in where they have a breakfast buffet. Season 1.
Eve meets Carolyn for eggs and a talk about Aaron Peel in the Shisha Lounge of Mono Cafe.
Source: @KillingEveSites
Eve interrupts Carolyns fencing training, filmed at the Westminster School's Sports Facility
Eve trails Helene while Helene is publicly making out with another woman, because, well, thats what you do at Standard Hotels. Scene filmed by the elevators and in Decimo, a restaurant inside the Standard Hotel. Episode 4x02 "Don't Get Eaten".
Pam meets Helene outside of the Standard hotel to update her about her family problems. Episode 4x03 "A Rainbow in Beige Boots".
Eve comes to visit Neko and Dom while they're playing bridge and asks them to translate some youthful Polish slang.
Helene wants to tell Villanelle in person about being promoted.
Villanelle modifies the hair dryer in the bedroom before an assassination, then later tries to tend to her wound while splayed out in the luxurious hotel bathroom, in the Imperial Suite at the Bentley Hotel.
Villanelle stays in a beautiful suite while she's in Amsterdam, but really filmed in the Kensington area of London, in the Ashburn Suite of The Bentley Hotel. Episode 2x04 "Desperate Times"
Source: @KillingEveSites
In episode 4x03 "A Rainbow in Beige Boots" Villanelle coerces a meeting with Martin at his home and demands therapy. You can even see the lawn chairs Villanelle straps Martin to for their therapy session on google maps satellite view.
Villanelle and Carolyn play truth or dare while waiting for a member of the 12. Episode 4x04 "It's Agony and I'm Ravenous".
Helene finds Konstantin and lets him know there's a new recruit he needs to train. Episode 4x03 "A Rainbow in Beige Boots"
Upset that Eve didn't come to Amsterdam to see her killing, Villanelle takes the pop up stairs from a parking lot down to try and forget about her feelings.
Source: Condé Nast Traveler
Villanelle goes to find Anna at her private island in Scotland and spends some time enjoying life out there. You can see a similar photo to Villanelle's rowing scene on Google Maps.
Villanelle picks up her new mentee in episode 3.02 "Management Sucks." Stiges, a town just west of Barcelona stands in for the French Riviera.
fabric in London is used for interior shoots of the club in Berlin where Bill is murdered on the dance floor.
When Villanelle pairs up with Eve to work in series 2, she finds herself living in London's Shoreditch neighbourhood. Her flat is part of Perseverance Works, a group of historic buildings for rent in the area. You can see photos of her flat and also look into hiring the unit for yourself at Perseverance Works, where the piano and kitchen stayed, but the rest was cleared out for a bed, mirror, and books taken off the shelves and replaced with random wooden objects.
Pam makes a friend at the Dreamland Amusement Park, used for filming throughout season 4. Dreamland includes the Roller Room, a roller rink that is used for a scene with Pam and Konstantin eating burgers in episode 4x06 "Oh Goodie, I'm the Winner"
Niko goes back to Poland for a simpler life, but his association with Eve causes trouble once again. The episode has many images the beauty of life in Viscri, Romania. Production stayed down the street at Casa Printul de Wales, Prince of Wales refurbished home to showcase the ways of historic Transylvania.
In the penultimate episode, Eve and Yosef go sing some karaoke to lift Eve's spirits, but instead she just sees everyone she has lost.
Exterior entryway and parking lot where Kenny falls to his death are seen behind a very intense fence on Greenfield Road.
While her actual apartment was filmed in a soundstage, the entrance was filmed in location
Source: this old tweet
Filming location for street and entryway (rounded glass with iron on top of the door) for the hotel where Hugo and Eve stay while following Villanelle and Aaron Peel.
Eve and Jess go to Faraday's tech headquarters to talk to Aaron Peel.
Source: @KillingEveSites
Aaron Peel rents out the whole restaurant he can watch Villanelle as Billie eat the special pasta that is only available that week.
Source: Lonely Planet
In season three Carolyn moves out of her townhouse and moves into the Highgate suburb of London. The house it is filmed out is much further out of London.
Series 3 starts with Villanelle getting back into work, and given a fancy apartment with good water pressure. Filmed on location in the historic apartment building, some scenes filmed in the sunroom you can see off the back side of the building.
Villanelle and Konstantin talk about running away while Irena plays hockey in season 3.
Eve waits for Villanelle as Billie to get done with AA. We get to see Eve's reaction through the window, even though in real life the cafe is not across the street from the building entrance where Villanelle "handles" Amber's handler.
Dock for getting on the boat the Dixie Queen, the final episode of Killing Eve was filmed on the Dixie Queen.
The restaurant is a nice Purple for filming, Eve meets Carolyn Martens at 9 am to be recruited into a special task force.
Source: London Eater
Eve's investigation leads her to meeting Pam, the unassuming back of house at a funeral parlor.
Eve goes to a bowling alley in Barcelona to speak to Dasha in episode 3x06 "End of Game" but really filmed in the Finsbury neighbourhood of London.
Villanelle waits for Konstantin to try and kill him peacefully, but he throws a log at her head and runs out to the dock to boat away.
While a new sign is edited to make it appear like she's in Vienna, this ice cream cafe is actually located in Italy.
Source: suitcase mag
Villanelle, dressed as a teacher, follows Eve through Russell Square, until she see's Raymond. Episode 2x03 "The Hungry Caterpillar"
Source: The Londonist
The "Lido Sands" mosaic was covered up with a mural to look like a beach in Havana, where Villanelle takes Carolyn to rough her up. Episode 4x04 "It's Agony and I'm Ravenous".
In the season 2 finale, after escaping Rome through underground tunnels, Eve and Villanelle pop out in The Maritime Theater section of Hadrian's Villa, where Villanelle tries to convince Eve to run away with her to Alaska, when that does work she shoots Eve in the Grandi Terme.
Season 4 finds Eve living out of the Drayton Hotel, the entrance and lobby scene (fish tank added for the show) are filmed at the Lancaster Hall Hotel.