West 45th Street & 7th Avenue (Times Square) as Assassin Receives Call
The assassin receives his orders from a payphone.
The Machine gives the number of a teenager who was reported dead two years ago.
Person of Interest episode “Ghosts” was filmed in New York in the United States of America.
The assassin receives his orders from a payphone.
Reese turns a corner only to find Finch has disappeared on him.
Finch takes Reese to the cemetery where Theresa Whitaker was supposedly buried.
Finch talks to Reese about the Whitaker family's death on their yacht.
Reese talks to Deacon Page about Theresa Whitaker and then spots her in the distance.
Reese spots Theresa at a nearby ATM the same moment she spots him.
Reese chases Theresa down the street but she escapes after cutting his arm.
Fusco brings Reese to a cafe where he can find out about the assassin hired to kill the Whitaker family.
Reese watches Derek and his boss at work from a nearby fire escape.
Reese tracks Theresa to a laundromat where she was trying to sell stolen credit cards and they are attacked by an assassin.
Reese spies on Jimmy Calhoun talking business on the land the Whitaker family acquired and then Reese sideswipes him with a dump truck.