Pipeline Road (north segment) (Stanley Park) as Dark Road
Ben and Maddie race down the road after Ian Sutton who has kidnapped Ryn.
Shit goes tits up when the mermaid secret is revealed to the world.
Siren episode “New World Order” was filmed in West Vancouver, Coquitlam, Vancouver, & Pitt Meadows in Canada.
Ben and Maddie race down the road after Ian Sutton who has kidnapped Ryn.
Ben and Maddie block the road to stop Ian Sutton from escaping with Ryn.
Ryn and her friends are chased from the bar after her nature is revealed on the news.
Ben sneaks past a military checkpoint surrounded by protestors on the road leading into town.
Ben finds Helen's shop boarded up and covered with anti-mermaid graffiti.
Ben meets up with Ryn and Maddie but Helen never arrives with their getaway vehicle.
Helen is pulled over at a military checkpoint trying to leave town and forced to take a blood test.
Helen is taken to a military facility with a bunch of other people where they are stripped and showered.
Ben rushes out after buying supplies believing he was recognized by the shop clerk.
Xander and Calvin provide their sonic lure to a group attempting to capture a live mermaid.
The trio notices a military checkpoint in the road to the border and are forced to turn off onto a side road.
Xander and Clive visit a fancy party to collect their money for help capturing Cami and see her being displayed in a glass case.
Xander heads down to see Calvin and Janine's new mermaid tour venture.