
“Spyfall - Part Two” Filming Locations

The Doctor plays a game of cat-and-mouse through time with the Master while Yaz, Ryan, and Graham attempt to escape all of the surveillance powers of Daniel Barton in the present.

Doctor Who episode “Spyfall - Part Two” was filmed in Cardiff & Newport in the United Kingdom, Tenerife in Spain, and in South Africa.

Howell's School as The Royal Gallery of Practical Science

The Doctor wakes up and finds herself in a technology exposision in 1834 with Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage and is soon joined by a very irate Master.

Source: Doctor Who Production News — Twitter via midnightscribe99

King Square as Essex Plaza

Ryan, Yaz, and Graham are walking through town when they get a message from Daniel Barton through their phones and their pictures appear on a wanted announcement.