
“Happy F*cking New Year.” Filming Locations

Months go by and the sensates live their lives, some in hiding and some free, and adapt to their new circumstance while investigating the forces arrayed against them.

Sense8 episode “Happy F*cking New Year.” was filmed in 7 cities across 7 countries.
San Francisco & Chicago in the United States of America, Berlin in Germany, Mexico City in Mexico, Nairobi in Kenya, Positano in Italy, Mumbai in India, and in the United Kingdom.

Positano Bay as Bay [Positano]

Kala climbs out of the water and joins Rajan on the boat after swimming with the cluster.

Women's Building as Women's Building (downstairs) [San Francisco]

Nomi and Amanita live in the Women's Building while hiding from Agent Bendix.

Zamora 75 as Lito's Condo (lobby) [Mexico City]

The three of them arrive to the condo to find a slur written on the wall and the entrance surrounded by reporters, and later they return to find Lito's code no longer works.

Calle Río Balsas 37 as Lito's Condo [Mexico City]

Lito returns to his condo to find all of his stuff emptied out and letter from the condo board kicking him out.

Oricon House as Kala & Rajan's Home [Mumbai]

A real estate agent shows Kala & Rajan a potential new home in the city.

Kibera House as Capheus's Home [Nairobi]

Capheus returns home to find Silas and Amondi there to have dinner with him and his mother.