Cornett Road & Natal Street as Car Crash
The Flash saves several people from a car that then explodes.
The Flash episode “Crazy for You” was filmed in Vancouver, Coquitlam, & Burnaby in Canada.
The Flash saves several people from a car that then explodes.
Shawna Baez uses her teleportation to break Clay Parker out of prison.
Hartley Rathaway shows Cisco some evidence of the fate of Ronnie.
Barry attempts to interrupt Shawna Baez and Clay Parker's armored car heist.
Barry goes looking for Iris only to find her heading home with Eddie.
The police raid the warehouse where Marcus Stockheimer is meeting with Shawna Baez and Clay Parker.
Barry confronts and captures Shawna Baez in a tunnel filled with construction equipment.
The Flash gives Iris information on the escaped prisoner.