The Flash
S.T.A.R. Labs (courtyard)
Barry and Iris are attending the activation of the particle accelerator when someone steals Iris's bag in pilot episode. Hartley Rathaway shows Cisco some evidence of the fate of Ronnie in episode 1x12 “Crazy for You”.
Appears in 3 additional episodes.
All Star Team Up
The Flash team watches Ray Palmer's arrival here with Felicity.
Therefore I Am
Marlize asks a question of Wells during his press conference before the activation of the accelerator and then Clifford uses his helmet during the event.
Also appears in “The Nuclear Man”.
Vandermeer Steel
The DeVoes steal a rare alloy and Clifford kills a guard despite Marlize's objections in episode 4x20 “Therefore She Is”.
Mercury Labs Quantum Computing Lab
The team heads to stop DeVoe from aquiring the quantum computer he needs to coordinate his devices but their attempt is thwarted by Marlize in episode 4x20 “Therefore She Is”.
Ollins Laboratories
Nora and Lia are questioning a scientist about the chemicals stolen from the other labs when the speedster shows up and attacks them, striking Nora with a lightning blast in episode 5x18 “Godspeed”.
Stagg Industries
Nora and Lia try to steal the final chemical before Godspeed can get to it but they are interrupted and Lia is killed in episode 5x18 “Godspeed”.
Central City Citizen Media
Nora draws Godspeed in front of the satellite dish causing him to lose his powers and crash to the ground in episode 5x18 “Godspeed”.