Paramount Studios
Puck and Jake sing and play guitar in a montage around Paramount Studios in 2012 Christmas special “Glee, Actually”.
Part of Paramount Studios
Puck and Jake sing and play guitar in a montage around Paramount Studios in 2012 Christmas special “Glee, Actually”.
Appears in “One Step Forward”.
Victor wakes up inside a simulation created by Jonah to help him heal and Jonah asks for his help in return in episode 2x01 “Gimmie Shelter”. Victor gets angry with Jonah when he tries to speed up his work in episode 2x03 “Double Zeros”. Janet returns to find Victor complaining about the cheesesteak he summoned and asks his help destroying the gravitation wave drive in episode 2x05 “Rock Bottom”.
Chase appears in his father's memory of being beaten by his father.
The Runaways, Tandy, and Tyrone walk through the Dark Dimension seeing bits of their individual nightmares before being chased by some version of AWOL.
Topher tells the story of finding the mysterious glowing rocks while dumpster diving in episode 2x05 “Rock Bottom”.
The Runaways watch from across the street was Molly is taken away by AWOL and his goons in episode 2x09 “Big Shot”.
Wizard employees distribute Corvus phones to people for free in episode 3x09 “The Broken Circle”.
The gang runs outside the apartment and sees the city in chaos before ducking into a convenience store to avoid the dust cloud.