Formerly known as Lionsgate Studios, North Shore Studios contains 8 stages, a small street set, a large outdoor blue screen wall, and over 100,000 square feet of office space for productions. The studio opened in 1989 with the original TV version of 21 Jump Street.
Clive and Liv question the cast and crew of the Zombie High television series in episode 2x10 “Method Head”.
Mitty's Bar & Grill
Liv breaks into a police officer's car outside a cop bar in episode 2x08 “The Hurt Stalker”.
Bus Station
Major gets on a bus to Portland to see his mother and her wife in episode 3x06 “Some Like It Hot Mess”.
Fillmore Graves
Major heads into Fillmore Graves for the memorial party for the two murdered mercenaries in episode 3x11 “Conspiracy Weary”.
Brain Factory (parking lot)
The police show one of their suspects footage of his graffitied car pulling into the parking lot outside the crime scene on the night of the murder in episode 4x01 “Are You Ready for Some Zombies?”.
News Report
Johnny Frost shows a video of him harassing a coworker while live on air as part of a sexual harassment seminar at the police station in episode 4x06 “My Really Fair Lady”.