Main Mall (between Crescent & Memorial) (UBC) as 1964 World's Fair
A young Frank Walker gets off the bus at the World's Fair.
A young inventor and dreamer finds herself drawn into a strange and dangerous adventure in search of the mysterious Tomorrowland.
Tomorrowland was filmed in Vancouver, Burnaby, & Delta in Canada, Los Angeles in the United States of America, Paris in France, Valencia in Spain, and in the Bahamas.
A young Frank Walker gets off the bus at the World's Fair.
A young Frank Walker shows off his jetpack to Nix for the contest and ends up attracting the attention of Athena.
A young Frank Walker tests out his jetpack at his family farm. Many years later, Casey is arrives at the farm and tires to talk to Frank.
Frank follows Athena and Nix from a distance into the ride.
Frank Walker sneaks onto the ride with the pin given to him by Athena.
Source: IMDb
Casey riders her motorcycle around the corner on her way to Cape Kennedy.
Casey sabotages the cranes to stop the dismantling of the launch platform.
Source: IMDb
Casey touches the Tomorrowland pin and finds herself transported to a brightly lit field.
Source: Credits
The bus Casey is taking to Texas passes a billboard.
Casey Newton visits a store in Texas to learn about her pin but is attacked by two robots. The store then explodes.
Athena is hit by a truck while crossing the street after Casey. Athena then chases after the pickup when Casey steals it and tries to get away.
Casey turns at the last moment at Athena's instruction.
Casey, Athena, and Frank drive to the television station.
Frank and Athena lead Casey to the teleporter hidden under a news station.
Casey, Frank, and Athena teleport to the top of the Eiffel Tower and take off in a hidden rocket ship.
Frank, Casey, and Athena land in Tomorrowland and are picked up by Nix.
Source: IMDb
Nix tries to leave the group on a secluded beach but ends up fighting there with Frank.
A man playing the guitar on the street notices the Tomorrowland pin in his case.
A woman working on an automotive prototype sees one of the Tomorrowland pins.
Source: Credits
A woman plants a tree in the sidewalk and notices a Tomorrowland pin.
A judge in Hong Kong notices the Tomorrowland pin on his desk.
A man notices a Tomorrowland pin while working in an observatory.