
“Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five” Filming Locations

The Crisis has ended with the universe reformed into a new Earth-Prime with only the Paragons remember what came before.

Crisis parts one, two, three, & four.

Legends of Tomorrow episode “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five” was filmed in Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby, & Delta in Canada.

The Pipe Shop as Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony [2020]

Nia calls Kara to remind her about the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony and Kara is surprised to find an apparently universally beloved Lex Luthor receiving the honor.

Burrard Dry Dock Pier as National City Pier [2020]

Kara heads out to stop Weather Witch but is surprised by the arrival of Barry and the realization that their two Earths have merged.

The Paper Hound as The Paper Hound Bookstore [2020]

Mick is signing his latest Rebecca Silver novel when he sees Beebo stomping past.

The Permanent as Star City National Bank [2020]

Sargon the Sorcerer is almost finished robbing a bank after summoning Beebo as a distraction but his plan is foiled when Barry and Sara arrive.

Victory Square as Star City Plaza [2020]

Barry finds Sara mourning the loss of the one remaining person who remembers her from before everything.

Boundary Bay Regional Airport as S.T.A.R. Labs Aviation Division [2020]

Barry, Sara, and Kara say some words for Oliver at the new memorial and then Barry debuts a fancy new table for future crossovers.