The Flash
Joe & Mark Mardon on Dock
Mark Mardon kidnaps Joe and holds him on a dock in episode 1x15 “Out of Time”.
The pier is one of the few remaining structures on the old Burrard Dry Dock complex, a shipbuilding facility that first began building ships in 1894. After the the facility was closed down in 1993 many of the buildings were demolished to make way for new development, but the old pier remains along with several large cranes.
Mark Mardon kidnaps Joe and holds him on a dock in episode 1x15 “Out of Time”.
Peter and Lincoln attempt to catch a ferry to Alternate Liberty Island in episode 4x08 “Back to Where You've Never Been”. Where the team catches a ferry from Liberty Island to the mainland in episode 4x18 “The Consultant”.
A quick establishing shot of the Vancouver sign in episode 2x12 “Ramifications”.
Kady approaches Harriet for help with curing Penny in exchange for access to the Library in episode 2x13 “We Have Brought You Little Cakes”.
Roy follows the police scanner to the port looking for the Vigilante only to find Quentin Lance waiting instead in episode 1x20 “Home Invasion”.
Oliver is giving a speech at the unveiling of the memorial for Laurel Lance when it is attacked by Church's goons in episode 5x01 “Legacy”. Black Siren arranges to meet Oliver near the memorial and is quickly captured in episode 5x10 “Who Are You?”.
Kara heads out to stop Weather Witch but is surprised by the arrival of Barry and the realization that their two Earths have merged in episode 5x01 “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five”.
Nia walks out onto the pier and uses her powers to stop the tidal wave from hitting the city in episode 5x05 “Dangerous Liaisons”.
Logan waits for Max when he is attacked by a police drone in episode 1x17 “I and I Am a Camera”.
Max dives off the pier to swim to an island in episode 1x01 “Heat”.