Movies Filmed at Museum of Anthropology
6393 NW Marine Dr, University of British Columbia - Main, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada
Part of The University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia’s Museum of Anthropology is a tourist as well as research and teaching museum. A major focus of the collection is on First Nation works of the Pacific Northwest. The building was constructed in 1976 by the architect Arthur Erickson in the post-and-beam architectural style of the coastal First Nations people.
Nearby Locations
Koerner's Pub
from The Magicians
Leon and Thea Koerner University Centre from The Magicians and 2 other movies.
Liu Institute for Global Issues from Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball
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153 m
Leon and Thea Koerner University Centre from The Magicians and 2 other movies.
186 m
Liu Institute for Global Issues from Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball
200 m
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Museum Party
Daniel and Amanda attend a party in episode 1x06 “Know Thy Enemy”.
Source: Visit Caprica
Altered Carbon
Bay City Museum of Anthropology
Kovaks visits an exhibit on the rebellion he once fought in to remember Quell in episode 1x02 “Fallen Angel”.
Garrison (exterior)
The rebel team infiltrates the garrison to steal the codes needed to needlecast to the central core in episode 1x07 “Nora Inu”.