The Flash
Gun Runner's Warehouse
Iris and Wally head to a warehouse to investigate the illegal weapon sales where Iris acts recklessly in episode 3x11 “Dead or Alive”.
Source: WhatsFilming — Twitter
Iris and Wally head to a warehouse to investigate the illegal weapon sales where Iris acts recklessly in episode 3x11 “Dead or Alive”.
Source: WhatsFilming — Twitter
The police investigate a burned and bleached body left in a warehouse in episode 2x18 “The Good, the Bad, and the Crispy”.
The charred body of one of the cleaners is discovered at their offices in episode 2x18 “The Good, the Bad, and the Crispy”.
Felicity, Alena, and the mercenaries attack a secret A.R.G.U.S. facility to rescue the founder of Helix in episode 5x19 “Dangerous Liaisons”.
Source: gtp_2001 — Twitter
Felicity and Alena get ready for the mission with the mercenaries in episode 5x19 “Dangerous Liaisons”.
Appears in “The Offer”.
Amaya and Nate head to the JSA training facility in D.C. to get help only to find it long since abandoned in episode 2x05 “Compromised”.
Source: Brad Toth — Twitter, 2
Ryker interrogates a CTAC officer for information about Mary Lou's recoding but Ortega arrives before she goes too far in episode 1x05 “The Wrong Man”.