2052 McPherson Place
Clark House
The Clark family holds up in their home as the world collapses around them in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
See also: The Walking Dead.
Fear the Walking Dead was filmed in Los Angeles in the United States of America and Vancouver & Surrey in Canada.
The Clark family holds up in their home as the world collapses around them in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
The military guards the gate out of the neighborhood in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”. Ofelia throws bottles at the gate while asking where her mother is in episode 1x05 “Cobalt”.
The Clarks go into a neighboring house to get a gun in episode 1x03 “The Dog”.
Alicia attends the school where her mother works as a guidance counselor starting in pilot episode. Madison returns there to get drugs for Nick in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Liza helps Dr. Exner treat injured soldiers at the National Guard command center in episode 1x05 “Cobalt”.
Source: YVRShoots
Nick's drug dealer Calvin attempts to murder him in pilot episode. The families drive under the bridge on their way out of the city in episode 1x06 “The Good Man”.
Calvin drives Nick down to the L.A. River in pilot episode. Travis drives Nick and Madison away from the river in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Travis, Chris, and Liza take shelter in the Salazar's barber shop to escape the riots in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
The families are fleeing through the riot when Griselda Salazar is injured by some falling scaffolding in episode 1x03 “The Dog”.
Travis sits the humvee while the soldiers try to clear the dead out of library in episode 1x05 “Cobalt”.
Daniel Salazar releases a horde of zombies that were locked in the stadium in episode 1x05 “Cobalt”.
The families drive over the river after the destruction of the National Guard command center in episode 1x06 “The Good Man”.
Victor Strand leads the families to his fancy waterfront home in episode 1x06 “The Good Man”.
Madison follows Liza down the cliff where Liza tells her that she was bitten during the escape in episode 1x06 “The Good Man”.
Madison drops Tobias off at his house in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Chris films the police at a protest where they shot a zombie in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Travis, Chris, and Liza run through a building away from the protest in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Nick wakes up in an abandoned church and gets attacked by Gloria in pilot episode.
Nick walks away from the hospital in pilot episode.
Travis talks to Moyers while the soldier is golfing by the fence in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
Madison stops by the Ramirez home and finds Nick searching for drugs in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
Nick falls asleep under the highway after calling Calvin in pilot episode.
Nick's family visits him at the hospital after he is hit by a car in pilot episode.
Moyers makes an announcement and then the military distributes supplies in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
Travis finds Doug's car abandoned by the outer fence in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
Alicia waits for Matt at the beach but he never shows up in pilot episode.
Later, her and Travis drive past the park and see some missing person posters. Madison drives with Alicia to school from the hospital in pilot episode.
The two families turn towards the ramp to the river in episode 1x06 “The Good Man”.
Travis pulls into a gas station to avoid a backup and sees a cop loading water into his car in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
The families attempt to take Griselda to the hospital only to find it overrun with the dead in episode 1x03 “The Dog”.
Source: YVRShoots
Travis jogs around a corner by the military's fence in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
Madison wanders through the street, sees some dead people, and hides from the soldiers in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
The families drive under the freeway on their way to the coast in episode 1x06 “The Good Man”.
Madison cuts her way through the fence surrounding the neighborhood in episode 1x04 “Not Fade Away”.
Madison, Travis, and Nick drive to Matt's house to pick up Alicia in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Alicia and Chris are walking back when several military humvees pass them by heading out of town in episode 1x05 “Cobalt”.
Nick Clark searches around the outside of a nearby house looking for break in in episode 1x03 “The Dog”.
Chris's bus has stopped on the street when someone yells about a police shooting in episode 1x02 “So Close, Yet So Far”.
Alicia rides up and talks to Chris who is lounging on a car in episode 1x05 “Cobalt”.
The families are leaving when Madison spots Patrick Tran arriving home in episode 1x03 “The Dog”.