Movies Filmed at Hearn Generation Plant
Hearn Generation Plant, 440 Unwin Avenue, Toronto, ON M4M 3B9, CanadaThe Hearn Generating Station is a decommissioned power plant originally built for coal back in 1951 and converted to natural gas in the 70s. The plant was shut down in the 80s and the site has sat largely unused since then. Most of the equipment inside the plant was scrapped in 2002 when the site was slated to be turned into a film studio, but those plans were eventually abandoned.
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Unwin Avenue (between Regatta & Marina) from Rookie Blue and 3 other movies.
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Renwick Smallpox Hospital
Clary and Jace scout out the abandoned hospital where Valentine's demons are gathering in episode 1x11 “Blood Calls to Blood”.
Star Trek: Discovery
USS Hiawatha
Michael, Pike, and Nhan make their way through the wreckage of the crashed medical ship and encounter a trio of flying drones constructed from Federation technology which lead them to the survivors in episode 2x01 “Brother”.
Essof IV
The crew builds the mousetrap in an abandoned facility and prepare to use Michael to capture the Red Angel in episode 2x10 “The Red Angel”. Pike questions Dr. Burnham, Michael confronts her mother, and Georgiou plants a device to intercept the data download in episode 2x11 “Perpetual Infinity”.
The Mercantile
Booker escorts Michael inside the secure market to sell her antiques for dilithium in episode 3x01 “That Hope Is You, Part 1”.
Ryo's Tower
Dutch and D'Avin break into the tower and rescue Vena in episode 1x02 “The Sugar Point Run”.
Old Town Tunnels
Alvis leads John down into the tunnels to get some drugs for Pawter Simms in episode 1x08 “Come the Rain”. A bunch of Old Town residents evacuate to the old bunkers in episode 1x10 “Escape Velocity”.
Prisoner Intake Facility
Dutch and John drop off their latest capture and John hears about the bounty on his brother in episode 1x01 “Bangarang”. The team gets their new prisoner to transport in episode 1x02 “The Sugar Point Run”. The team evacuates the city in episode 1x10 “Escape Velocity”.
Pacific Rim
"Wall of Life" Construction
Stacker Pentecost visits Raleigh Becket at where he is working on the wall and asks him to return to the Jaeger program.
Source: Torontoist
Abandoned Construction Site
The kids chase Homer into an abandoned construction site where they see an alien spaceship crash land in episode 1x01 “My Name Is Jake”.
Star Trek: Short Treks
Industrial Port
A short bounty hunter drags a chained-up Harry Mudd through a series of corridors looking for her ship while he tries to convince her to let them work together in episode 1x04 “The Escape Artist”.
Harry Mudd's Ship
Harry Mudd is surrounded by android duplicates of himself doing his bidding when he gets a call from another bounty hunter looking to trade for him in episode 1x04 “The Escape Artist”.