
Movies Filmed at Rose Garden

6278 NW Marine Dr, Greater Vancouver A, BC, Canada

Part of The University of British Columbia

A small garden located at the north end of the UBC campus which offers amazing views of the water and mountains.

Nearby Locations
Leon and Thea Koerner University Centre from The Magicians and 2 other movies.
74 m

The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts from Psych and 38 other movies.
99 m

Koerner's Pub from The Magicians
122 m

Browse more nearby locations.


Rose Garden

Maggie goes on her date with Parker which is going well until she hears something troubling in his thoughts in episode 1x07 “Out of Scythe”.

Altered Carbon

Bancroft Estate (garden)

Ortega takes the car in for a rough landing in the garden and Kovacs learns that she is a police officer and she learns he is an Envoy in episode 1x01 “Out of the Past”. Kovaks arrives at the party with his pink backpack and after the party he joins back up with Elliot and Ortega in episode 1x03 “In a Lonely Place”.