The Magicians
Fountain Quad
Eliot and Margo make fun of Alice for her apparent advantages while Quentin sits by in episode 1x01 “Unauthorized Magic”. Quentin calls Julia on the payphone and leaves a message in episode 1x02 “The Source of Magic”. Alice calls her parents and learns about Joe's suicide in episode 1x11 “Remedial Battle Magic”.
Appears in 4 additional episodes.
Hotel Spa Potions
The Dean gives Alice a pep talk as she practices the powerful spell.
Lesser Evils
Reynard walks onto campus after the wards go down and Julia attempts to get Quentin to use the Alice-niffin against him.
We Have Brought You Little Cakes
Julia approaches Quentin when he is outside smoking and shows him that she has retained a spark of power.
Marry Fuck Kill
Eliot wakes up in a strange empty version of Brakebills and calls out for anyone else.
Source: Chris Fisher — Instagram
Shawnee High School (exterior)
Eliot travels back to a high school memory with Charlton where he used his magic for the first time and killed a kid in episode 4x05 “Escape from the Happy Place”.