Movies Filmed at BC Place Stadium
777 Pacific Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2X7, CanadaA large stadium in Vancouver’s downtown, BC Place originally opened in 1983 and featured an inflatable roof. After the roof was torn and deflated in 2007, the stadium was renovated and a retractable roof was installed (those tall columns above the building support the new roof).
Nearby Locations
Pacific Boulevard (between Smithe & Grif… from Batwoman
Parking Lot (at 778 Beatty Street) from The Flash
Browse more nearby locations.
The Flash
S.T.A.R. Labs
Barry fights the Reverse-Flash outside the building in episode 1x09 “The Man in the Yellow Suit”. The crew loads up their prisoners into the transport truck, and later Barry and others battle Wells outside the building in episode 1x22 “Rogue Air”. Caitlin and Ronnie get married by Dr. Stein outside the building in episode 1x23 “Fast Enough”.
Appears in 10 additional episodes.
The Runaway Dinosaur
Zombie Tony Woodward bursts out of the building.
Barry and Oliver fight the rest of the assembled team after they are mind controlled.
Borrowing Problems from the Future
H.R. gets ready to launch the S.T.A.R. Labs museum.
Dead or Alive
Cisco challenges the collector to trial by combat to save H.R.
The Wrath of Savitar
Barry and Jesse help Wally test his speed and Wally has a vision of Savitar.
The Once and Future Flash
Cisco escorts Barry into the long-abandoned S.T.A.R. Labs.
Finish Line
Wally and Barry rescue the rest of the gang from the building after Savitar sets off the Speed Force bomb.
The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 2
Ramsey and Dark Flash stand outside the barrier shielding S.T.A.R. Labs waiting for it to fall.
Also appears in “The Man Who Saved Central City” & “Enter Zoom”.
Central City Stadium
Barry chases the Reverse-Flash through a stadium in episode 1x09 “The Man in the Yellow Suit”. Barry and Nora search the stadium for a nonexistent bomb and Spencer Young creates a news alert that causes XS to attempt to kill The Flash in episode 5x04 “News Flash”.
The Good Doctor
San Jose International Airport
Shaun arrives in San Jose and witnesses an accident at the airport and works to save a teenage boy in episode 1x01 “Burnt Food”.
The X-Files
Dulles Concorse
Agents Einstein and Miller are waiting at the airport when they are called by Mulder and Scully respectively in episode 10x05 “Babylon”.
Manhattan Transit Station
Etta and Simon sneak Walter into Manhattan through this mass transit station in episode 4x19 “Letters of Transit”.
Clane Center (exterior)
A group of people spontaneously combust in episode 4x21 “Brave New World: Part 1”.
Starling City Courthouse
Oliver and Laurel watch Lance's press conference about the new low level of crime in Starling City in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.
Outside Queen Consolidated
Oliver and Felicity talk after leaving the board meeting at Queen Consolidated in episode 3x01 “The Calm”.
Rockets Arena
Team Arrow head to the music festival at the arena in episode 5x06 “So It Begins”.
S.T.A.R. Labs
The two Supermen battle outside the labs and then Clark attempts to use the book to restore the universe in episode 4x09 “Elseworlds, Part 3”.
Burnett Arena
Nxyly takes the Humanity Totem from a MMA fights and activates it causing an eruption of violence and chaos around the arena in episode 6x14 “Magical Thinking”.
Altered Carbon
Head in the Clouds (roof)
Mary Lou Henchy is chased to the roof by Rei and decides to jump off rather than be captured in episode 1x09 “Rage in Heaven”.