The Flash
Outside Stagg Industries
Barry has to lean against a fence after outside after fighting Danton Black in the warehouse in episode 1x02 “Fastest Man Alive”.
Kendra Saunders on Street
Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) watches the black hole in episode 1x23 “Fast Enough”.
Outside Police Station
Captain Singh heads up the negotiation with William Tockman outside the police station in episode 1x07 “Power Outage”. A police officer is walking to the station when the alarms on all of the cars in the parking lot start going off in episode 5x10 “The Flash & The Furious”.
S.T.A.R. Labs (garage/rear entrance)
Barry is attacked by Farooq Gibran in the garage of S.T.A.R. Labs in episode 1x07 “Power Outage”. Caitlin walks out of the labs under the influence of Grodd in episode 2x07 “Gorilla Warfare”. Barry lures Zoom into a trap in episode 2x18 “Versus Zoom”.
Appears in 3 additional episodes.
Dead or Alive
The team trains Cisco to fight against the collector using his Vibe powers.
Finish Line
H.R. leaves the building with the piece of Savitar's suit to track him down. Later, Savitar comes in response to Barry's summoning and hears out his request.
Subject 9
The team aggressively helps Izzy Bowin train with her new powers.
Barry gives a bouquet of flowers to a couple eating at a cafe in episode 1x08 “Flash vs. Arrow”.
Christmas Light Display
The Flash and Reverse-Flash run past a man setting up Christmas lights in episode 1x09 “The Man in the Yellow Suit”.
Pause in Chase
The Flash and the Reverse-Flash stop to talk in the middle of chase in episode 1x09 “The Man in the Yellow Suit”.
Car Warehouse
Mick Rory & Leonard Snart break into a car storage warehouse in episode 1x10 “Revenge of the Rogues”.
Parking Lot
Caitlin is attacked by Leonard Snart by her car and is captured in episode 1x10 “Revenge of the Rogues”.
A.R.G.U.S. Warehouse
Oliver and his crew try to stop Damien Darhk from stealing a chemical weapon and they have to be rescued by the Flash in episode 2x08 “Legends of Today”.
Spotting Wells
Patty is heading to her car when she spots the Earth-2 Harrison Wells loading his trunk in episode 2x08 “Legends of Today”.
Romantic Restaurant
During a nightmare Patty is taken by Zoom while on a date with Barry in episode 2x10 “Potential Energy”.
Geomancer Attacks
Joe, Caitlin, and Jay watch a news report on the new villain Geomancer calling out The Flash in episode 2x13 “Welcome to Earth-2”.
Zoom & Cop
Zoom runs past a cop and gives him a flying demanding Harrison Wells in episode 2x14 “Escape from Earth-2”.
Near Rail Line
Barry stops by a fence after losing Zoom in episode 2x18 “Versus Zoom”.
D.A. Fremont Imports Exports
Mina Chayton takes control of a stone beast to get the first piece of the necklace in episode 4x06 “When Harry Met Harry…”.
Impound Lot
Barry and Ralph investigate the smashed-up bus looking for clues on the final bus meta in episode 4x18 “Lose Yourself”.
Container Port
Barry, Cisco, and Cynthia investigate the port based on the joint-vibe but learn their information was inaccurate in episode 4x20 “Therefore She Is”.
Construction Site
Iris and Nora try to figure out how to investigate together while searching for the satellite core with Sherloque in episode 5x06 “The Icicle Cometh”.
Weather Station
Nora arrives to find Joss Mardon faking a hurricane to get her attention so Joss can ask for help making amends in episode 5x10 “The Flash & The Furious”.